Special Olympics Needs Your Help!

Special Olympics
The Playbook
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2013
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Special Olympics has set off on a journey and needs your help!

As we move towards the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea, and then to the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles, USA, we’re using social media to reach out to our supporters and gather a passionate group of advocates. We want to harness the “people power” of social media to create a hive of activity around our cause, spreading awareness through inspiring stories of our athletes and their achievements.

We’re collecting supporters names through a range of channels, primarily Facebook. We’re using apps that call for participants to engage, in this case to “pledge” their support by clicking. We then use these contacts and their details to better understand our audience and to identify our most passionate and influential advocates.

Once we know who all of our supporters are, we can mobilize them for our cause and take our messages to the masses!

Why your help is so important
We have an engaged audience but we need you to help us reach new audiences that may not be aware of the amazing things Special Olympics stands for. We’ve been shouting from our rooftops and drawing in people from wide and far with our inspiring stories- now we need you to help us make the whole world aware of Special Olympics.

How can I help?
We know you’re busy so we’ve kept it simple! All we’d ask for is that you help share the news about our pledge app. You can do this in a range of ways with the suggested text below:

Special Olympics needs you!
Our goal is to gather a group of passionate advocates who can take the Special Olympics message out to the world and recruit more people just like you. Help show the world that our athletes are the most inspiring people on Earth! Just click through our pledge app and you’ll get exclusive updates and be part of an awesome global movement! http://j.mp/SxNaZB

Including a link to our app and Facebook Page in your email newsletter or mailouts would be a tremendous help. Just include the suggested text above! You can also use the banners in this blog post by right-clicking and select save as, then use them on your blog or website and link to the URL in the suggested text above.

Again, all it takes is a post to help make your followers aware of our cause. Just use the suggested text above. You could also use one of the banners here as a picture to post on Facebook (be sure to include the URL somewhere in the post!)

Got loads of Twitter followers? Then tweet about us! And ask your followers to retweet!

Here’s a sample tweet:
.@SpecialOlympics needs your help! Pledge to share our athlete’s stories & get involved with an inspiring movement! http://j.mp/SxNaZB

And if you don’t have time to do any of the above, then just tell your friends and family about us! Everything helps and we’re grateful for any support, so your assistance, in whatever form it may take, is greatly appreciated.

Help spread the word!

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Special Olympics
The Playbook

Using the power of sports as our driver, we are a global social movement dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.