The Way of the Midwest: Wayzata High School and its R-word Success

Jamie Behymer
The Playbook
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

On March 7, 2018, the Governor of Minnesota made a proclamation that this date would be the Spread the Word to End the Word day. One campus, Wayzata High School in Plymouth, MN, hosted events to educate students about the R-word and make their campus a more inclusive place.

“Taking the pledge shows that they [people] respect everyone, with and without disabilities. This is important because it symbolizes that we are all equal,” Katelyn Palasek, a senior at Wayzata High School, said.

At Wayzata, the mission of the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign is shared throughout a week of events. The campus has an organization, Club US (Unified Students), who promote the R-word activities throughout the week. T-shirts are sold and a banner is on display for students to sign. Events occur during lunch so there is ample time for students to learn about the campaign and pledge to eliminate the R-word from their vocabulary.

The R-word campaign has changed the culture of the school. “It simply makes are school more inclusive,” Mimi Schrader, a junior, said. “Everyone feels like they are accepted and the R-word campaign has sent a message saying that words and labels don’t define you.”

Another way students at Wayzata promote the R-word campaign is through the use of a video made by students. In the video, students hold up signs with words that are used to label them. These words alongside the R-word demonstrate the impact words have on an individual.

Members of Club US recommend other organizations use incentives like shirts, pins, and flyers to draw attention to the R-word campaign. Outside of their efforts with this campaign, students in Club US have worked to promote a more inclusive campus environment. From honoring players on Unified teams at school events, to implementing a Unified Sports P.E. class on campus, the students have paved the way for a future of inclusion.

If you have a story, video, photo, poem, essay, guide, dance, (or anything else) to share with the world, follow the three easy steps in this link or publish your story on Medium and email it to If you prefer, you could also put your story into a word document, let us know whether you would like it published under your name or anonymously, and email it to

Pledge your support to end the R-Word here.

