Tim Shriver talks Health Disparity

Special Olympics
The Playbook
Published in
1 min readDec 14, 2010

Last week Special

Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver presented at Cincinnatti Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The topic, “Advancing the Health of People with Intellectual Disabilities,” is one that not many people realize just how deeply committed Special Olympics is in this space through our Healthy Athletes disciplines.

More importantly, or better yet — alarmingly — it’s a topic that very few people know about, or care about. “This ought to make us furious,” Shriver told the Ethiopian Review. Instead, it’s “just the way it is.”

Kudos to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for the work they do through their Project SEARCH initiative and for having the courage to bring the issue of advancing the health of people with intellectual disabilities to the forefront.

Watch the video of Tim’s presentation on the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s website. Be sure to catch Special Olympics athlete Emily Hayes’ intro of Tim around the 3:35 mark. (PRIZE ALERT: We’ll send a DVD of “The Ringer” to the first person who tells us in the comments below what sports Emily said she competes in.) Tim begins to speak near the 7:00 mark. (Note: The power point advances automatically during Tim’s speech, so no need to mess with it.)



Special Olympics
The Playbook

Using the power of sports as our driver, we are a global social movement dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.