Welcome to my App Suite, You Tube Capture 2.0

Special Olympics
The Playbook
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2013

Micro-moments and video sharing are all the rage these days in social media — think Vine, Instagram (new video function), etc. and new to the game is You Tube with their freshly launched app You Tube Capture 2.0.

So what does this have to do with Special Olympics? Well, the fine folks at You Tube Creator invited us to preview their new app and featured one of our videos in their launch announcement today!*

Read the app launch announcement on their blog here.

Check out our video that You Tube featured in their launch announcement. Our team created this solely with You Tube Capture 2.0 this past weekend in Alabama at a Special Olympics Unified Sports Flag Football game between Alabama and LSU, the morning before the two schools met in NCAA football on national television.

Our impressions on the app:

It’s a very clean design and very easy to use. It makes it extremely easy to provide any sort of news on the road, at events, or gather testimonials on the fly and upload it instantaneously to garner support for your organization.

It’s great that you don’t have to think of something super-witty to fit into a six second window, or even a 15 second gateway. You can make your video any length you desire. That said, there remains the danger of rambling on and losing viewers, so the goal should still be short, concise, and interesting content.

A couple of cons:

If you are a social media pro, the app is difficult to use with multiple accounts. For example, you connect your Facebook account to the app for easy uploading, but it (so far) only allows you to post to your personal profile as opposed to offering options of posting to pages you manage. Similarly, there is only one twitter log in, so you’d have to log out and log in to different handles if you managed multiple accounts.

Also, so far the app is only in the Apple App Store. Hopefully it will be available on Android in the Google Play Store soon, especially since You Tube is, you know, a Google product.

Overall it’s a valuable addition to your suite of apps to use for work or play, I know I’m looking forward to using it for Special Olympics more.

Download You Tube Capture 2.0

*At no point did You Tube ask me to publicly review this app. The opinion above is completely my own based on using the app myself and getting feedback from a colleague who used the app.



Special Olympics
The Playbook

Using the power of sports as our driver, we are a global social movement dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.