Homo evil evil

Our specie appeared many million years ago on the Earth as proof of evolution. But nowadays man’s irresponsible actions has several consequences that don’t affect just human beings.

2 min readFeb 6, 2017


I evolved!

The natural selection on my side turned me in the most developed specie, the only one capable of being rational. So now, I can understand almost all the processes involved in the construction of my house, the Earth!

In fact, my origin could be told as tale:

Once upon a time, there was a vast ocean, full of creatures that lived freely. Until one day, a beautiful plant appeared. Full of life , the plant distributed oxygen through the Earth and gave it’s life to a lonely planet. But tired of life without joy, the Earth allowed to be conquered by many other creatures. The time passed and after several long years, that eventually became centuries, the result of evolution was the most feared of species. The Homo sapiens sapiens.

Yes, it’s me.

I lived for brief moments in the history of the earth like a specie that everyone feared. The only one with such superiority, capable of doing anything to achieve whatever my goal was. Nothing could stop my ill-developed intelligence or my thirst for power. I was responsible for planting selfishness, distributing hate, importing greed and exporting dreams and hope.

However, everything i see around me is destruction and now, all I feel is regrets for my ego centrism. What’s left of my house is trapped in memories and me? I am a prisoner of my own actions, a victim of my proud, fulfilling a sentence that will never erase this fault that I feel for having destroyed the only thing that was really mine.

So, yes this is me, the Homo evil evil. Like Darwin used to say, I’m nothing more than walking mammal erect.

In cooperation with Pedro Mata Rodrigues

