Introducing The Most Powerful Early Stage Sourcing Tool on The Market

Specter Alternative Data
2 min readJan 20, 2020

At Specter we spend a lot of time thinking about edge. Essentially that boils down to two things: how can we know more than anyone else and how can we make sure we know first.

So 3 months ago, when we got the idea to start tracking talented individuals around the world, we already knew this could be big. But we had no idea how big …

A quick insight: In the past 8 weeks, we have featured 44 senior executives leaving Uber. 24 of those launched a new startup! 🚀

Specter Talent Dashboard

So what is Specter Talent?

1. Every day we track over 2 million talented individuals globally
2. Every week we feature the top 1% signals
3. Only in the past 8 weeks, we have featured 1500+ newly launched startups

We track the best of the best. Serial founders, first employees at unicorns, senior executives at successful companies, PhD and computer science students, and a lot more.

We track signals about these top-talents faster than anyone else. Two reasons: a wide variety of sources, and our proprietary signal scoring.

Curious? Learn More and Request a Demo Here 👻



Specter Alternative Data

The Intelligence Data Bank — seeking edge through alternative growth signals.