Spectiv Updates: July 22nd

Dylan Senter
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2017


Spectiv is a community-driven virtual reality streaming platform supported by a unique ERC20 token. Signal Tokens (Sigs) will be sold for $0.50 each through a crowdsale with early engagement bonus opportunities. Learn more about what Spectiv is by reading this article:


Update 1: Sutton Stone Partnership

We have officially partnered with US-based ICO consulting firm, Sutton Stone. Check them out here: www.suttonstone.com. Sutton Stone is a team of experienced legal/business developers focused on ICO structuring, fund governance, and community outreach. We will be working with Sutton Stone to ensure that our crowdsale is vetted, managed, and executed at the highest standard. Equally as important, Sutton Stone will assist us in company legal structure and business development advisory. This will include the formation of Spectiv as a business entity in Mauritius, a leading innovator in the crypto space that is setting up legislation to standardize and acknowledge ICOs as a legal process. James Duchenne, partner at Sutton Stone, is spearheading this effort through direct work with the government and central banks of Mauritius. Learn more about the Mauritius vision here.

Partnership Objectives

In the time leading up to the crowdsale, Sutton Stone will be helping us with the following objectives, as agreed upon in our partnership:

  1. Venture assessment
  2. Legal regulations: KYC, AML, securities, regulatory arbitrage, corporate setup, prospectives/disclaimers, outside legal counsel
  3. Incentives: token model, token utility, implications
  4. Security: governance
  5. Operations: organizational model, non-profit structure, crowdsale processes

1 week for assessment
1 week for planning
2 weeks to address and adjust Token Sale model
1 month to execute the process
1 week for concluding work

Update 2: Developer Hiring

Ever since we announced the Spectiv project, we have had several developers reach out to us about joining the team. While we already have most bases covered, we did open up discussions with developers experienced in the VR and streaming spaces. With that said, we are happy to announce that we have brought on a new developer who will help us accelerate our alpha development. We expect to release a basic demo for Spectiv VR streaming within the next 30 days. This demo will allow users to interact with the Spectiv interface and watch a selection of VR video from our current VR production partners. We’re excited to share this with the community and we look forward to your feedback.

