Exploring Dev Preview #16 of Phasmophobia’s Adjusting the Ascension Update

Adjusting the ascension is on the horizon, and it promises to introduce a plethora of exciting changes to the game.

A Guy
Spectral Phasmophobia
6 min readFeb 18, 2024


Banner image for Phasmophobia Roadmap 2024 — Dev Preview #16

Adjusting the ascension introduces a massive overhaul of gameplay mechanics, including equipment enhancements and progression adjustments.

Through the introduction of unique Prestige-related unlocks, streamlined progression systems, and revamped equipment functionalities, the update strikes a delicate balance between practical upgrades and cosmetic enhancements, while addressing longstanding issues such as sluggish unlocking rates and linear levelling.

However, the success of the update ultimately hinges on its ability to deliver on these promises while maintaining the core elements.

Phasmophobia 2024 Roadmap: Exciting New Changes Coming! | Dev Preview #16 — https://www.youtube.com/@glmSpectral

Equipment Enhancements

The upcoming adjustments to Phasmophobia’s equipment system, as part of the “Adjusting the Ascension” update, promise to bring a wealth of enhancements aimed at enriching the player experience and adding depth to gameplay.

Players will now have the opportunity to invest in unique Prestige-related unlocks using in-game currency, presenting them with enticing options for personalizing their characters with accessories and stylish jackets.

However, the introduction of these customization options raises concerns about striking a delicate balance between investing in essential upgrades and indulging in cosmetic enhancements. The increased cost of upgrades may necessitate careful consideration from players, as they weigh the benefits of practical improvements against the allure of character customization.

Debriefing screenshot after a contract run — Phasmophobia

One notable aspect of the update is the introduction of a choice between an XP and money boost after players prestige. Both options offer distinct advantages but the decision ultimately rests with the players themselves. From a strategic standpoint, opting for the XP boost can speed up progression to higher tiers, providing access to more powerful equipment.

On the other hand, the money boost may appeal to players seeking to unlock customization accessories. This decision presents an interesting dilemma for players, as they assess their priorities and goals within the game.

The adjustments to tier two and three thermometers are also worth noting, as they aim to address longstanding issues with temperature readings. Tier one thermometer has been favoured for its reliability in determining freezing temperatures because of its quick update and absence of randomness.

Tier 3 Thermometer

However, tier two and three thermometers have been criticized for their wide range of readings, leading to uncertainty during investigations and increasing how long you spend in investigations.

The upcoming changes seek to improve the effectiveness of tier two and three thermometers, but the extent to which they will succeed remains uncertain. Whether these adjustments will enhance or hinder gameplay dynamics is a pivotal question that players eagerly await answers to.

In conclusion, while the introduction of customization options may tempt players, the focus is likely to remain on ascending to higher levels and unlocking more powerful items. The success of the equipment enhancements ultimately hinges on their ability to improve gameplay without compromising the core experience of Phasmophobia.

Photo Mechanic Overhaul

The upcoming Photo Mechanic Overhaul in Phasmophobia promises a significant improvement to the photo system. One of the key enhancements includes being able to delete photos, which aims to reduce frustration and stress for players aiming for perfect runs.

Photo Album — Phasmophobia

For instance, players often encounter situations where they take a photo intended to capture a ghost, only to receive a disturbed salt photo instead, which in most cases, isn’t in the photo. This overhaul addresses such issues by allowing players to delete those photos, enhancing reliability and streamlining the investigative process.

Additionally, the tier 2 camera is receiving a speed boost to its shutter speed, allowing for faster photo taking. Furthermore, the introduction of a mute button for sound sensors in tiers one to three will provide players a way to focus more intently on monitoring D.O.Ts in the van without distraction.

Overall, the Photo Mechanic Overhaul is expected to bring numerous benefits without introducing any significant downsides.

Training Mode Update

The recent overhaul of the Training Mode in Phasmophobia marks a significant step towards providing players with a more immersive and instructive experience. Developers have meticulously aligned the training objectives with the methods used to identify evidence in live investigations, ensuring consistency between the two.

One of the notable improvements in the revamped Training Mode is the adjustment to ghost orb mechanics. Previously, players could complete the ghost orb section without actually observing one, or without realizing the one was observed, leading to inaccuracies in training. However, developers will rectify this issue by requiring players to observe a ghost orb directly, ensuring a more authentic experience.

Another significant enhancement in the Training Mode overhaul involves temperature mechanics. Developers have lowered the overall temperature in the thermometer room, allowing players to identify freezing temperatures quickly. This adjustment streamlines the process, reducing frustration and improving the overall training experience.

In conclusion, the “Adjusting the Ascensions” update brings significant improvements to the Training Mode in Phasmophobia, aiming to provide players with a more authentic and effective learning experience. By aligning training objectives with real contract runs, developers strive to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Monkey Paw Improvement

Another notable improvement involves the Monkey Paw wish “I wish to see the ghost,” which will now only apply darkened vision after the ghost event, rather than during it. This adjustment allows players to see the ghost before it hunts.


In conclusion, the Adjusting the Ascension update marks a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of Phasmophobia, introducing a myriad of enhancements poised to redefine the gameplay experience for both seasoned investigators and newcomers alike.

As players delve into the intricacies of the revamped equipment system, they’re presented with a plethora of opportunities to customize their characters and optimize their investigative arsenal.

However, amidst the excitement of character personalization and equipment upgrades, lingering questions persist regarding the broader impact of these changes on gameplay dynamics and progression balance.

One key area of interest revolves around the introduction of unique Prestige-related unlocks.

Will these additions strike a harmonious balance between practical upgrades and cosmetic enhancements, or will players face unforeseen complexities and challenges in navigating this new system?

Furthermore, as players navigate the revamped progression landscape, uncertainties arise about the effectiveness of the adjustments in addressing longstanding issues such as slow unlocking rates and linear levelling.

Will the streamlined progression system succeed in offering players more meaningful choices and enhancing the overall gameplay experience, or will it inadvertently introduce new hurdles and frustrations?

Moreover, significant changes are slated for essential tools like the thermometer, raising concerns about their potential implications for investigative accuracy and immersion.

Will the introduction of randomness to tier one thermometers enrich the investigative experience by simulating real-world variability, or will it hinder players’ ability to effectively gather evidence?

Ultimately, the success of the Adjusting the Ascension update hinges on its ability to strike a delicate balance between innovation and familiarity, offering players a fresh yet familiar gameplay experience that captivates and challenges in equal measure.

Will the Adjusting the Ascension update succeed in delivering on its promises or will it fall short of expectations, leaving players yearning for more?

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A Guy
Spectral Phasmophobia

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.