A lot happens in two years in the world of Kubernetes

Ant Newman
Spectro Cloud
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2023

We last posted here more than two years ago. Eek. Time flies when you’re changing the world of Kubernetes, right?

What’s been happening? Well, put it this way: we’ve been busy.

The Spectro Cloud team has grown to around 150 of the best and brightest, and our cadre of amazing partners has swelled, too. We’ve picked up our share of awards and we’re proud to be serving some of the leading lights in Kubernetes.

We’ve been touring the world, sponsoring and speaking at hundreds of events large and small, from KubeCon to local meetups, sharing expertise.

Open source is still at the heart of what we do. Have you heard about Kairos and LocalAI? (Do yourself a favor and take a look.)

And we’re proud to have continued our stream of detailed market research into the State of Production Kubernetes, with our third annual report coming later this summer (it’s gonna be a good one).

Our killer product, Palette, hasn’t stood still either.

We continue to double down on tackling the daily challenges of running Kubernetes in the enterprise, from security to cluster lifecycle management, with a goal of saving your team precious time every day.

Now more than ever, Kubernetes is multi-cloud, multi-distro, multi-integration, multi-workload and multi-environment. Multi-everything, really. Our mission is to make that multiplicity easy for you.

So we continue to build out our list of supported integrations. We’ve tackled the challenge of running Kubernetes on bare metal. And most recently we’ve added the ability for you to bring your VM workloads to Kubernetes, too (don’t forget to sign up to the webinar to learn more).

For many organizations, edge computing is the future — particularly for AI workloads. A string of innovations has made Palette the first choice of organizations running Kubernetes at the edge: simply, securely and at scale.

We’ve added a developer environment to our core ops-focused experience, in the form of Palette Dev Engine and its ‘App Mode’. So if you’ve been looking at IDPs and devex, we have something for you.

And with our new VerteX edition, we even have a comprehensively ‘FIPSified’ secure version of Palette for government and highly regulated industries.

So when I say we’ve been busy… I wasn’t joking.

Keep checking back here for more posts (I promise not to wait two years for the next one). But if you want to get the absolute latest, make sure you follow us on social and sign up to our updates, for invitations to our webinars and regular newsletters.



Ant Newman
Spectro Cloud

I look after content marketing at Spectro Cloud, a startup that makes Palette, a Kubernetes management platform built for scale