Scale User Experience AI Using User Reputation Scoring

Indrajit Haridas
Spectrum Labs
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2022

Spectrum Labs has stressed the importance of proactively boosting healthy behavior in online communities alongside efforts to reduce toxic behavior.

Until recently, platforms have only been able to address bad actors and harmful behavior. Online communities haven't had the insight needed to promote positive behaviors or gain a holistic view of their users — both good and bad. And even if the definition of “good” is firmly established in company policy, platforms haven't had a way to measure it quantitatively.

With its new Healthy Behaviors AI, Spectrum Labs helps platforms scale their work in incentivizing healthy behavior to make their community a more enjoyable and appealing space. The Healthy Behavior AI compiles user and room scores that allow Spectrum customers to gain a 360° view of their community and make better-informed decisions on what changes or improvements are needed for their platform.

By organizing users according to quantified reputation scores, online platforms can drive positive user interactions that help fuel user retention, revenue, and overall growth.

User scores: Health vs. Risk

The Healthy Behaviors AI gauges user behaviors ranging between Health and Risk factors. User scores incorporate a variety of behaviors which are cumulatively weighted into a final reputation score based on positive and negative conduct within the community.

Common examples of healthy behaviors that benefit online communities include:

  • Teaching and coaching new players in an online game
  • Building rapport with other users through mutually shared opinions and disclosures
  • Inviting new users to join conversations or activities

On the other hand, risky behaviors tend to harm a community with actions like:

  • Harassment and insults that drive away users
  • Hate speech that damages a platform’s brand and potential for partnerships
  • Severely toxic behavior that often is illegal like child grooming and violent threats

Once a platform's users are assessed with Health and Risk scores, Spectrum Labs can better facilitate positive user experiences. With user scores from the Healthy Behaviors AI, customers can connect new or unengaged users with their platform's most reputable users and rooms to scale the best possible user interactions, which boosts retention, engagement, and growth.

Customer-defined configurations

Healthy behavior is not a “one size fits all” concept. Different platforms will have their own desired user behaviors that they consider to be beneficial for their community.

Spectrum Labs allows customers to define their own scoring configurations that assign weights to different behavioral attributes in determining a user score:

By weighting attributes of each behavior when calculating a user’s overall score, Spectrum Labs customers can designate exactly which values they wish to prioritize and promote within their community. Customers may even provide additional attributes of their own and contextual nuances that would affect the Health vs. Risk factors in contributing to a user score.

The customer knows their community the best — and can accordingly configure Spectrum Labs’ Healthy Behaviors AI to proliferate the exact type of user behaviors they want on their platform.

The bigger picture with user and room scores

Spectrum Labs generates scores based on the customer’s own configurations and their users’ activity analyzed in real time. Customers can access these user scores via API and through in-depth analytics reports. User IDs also are accessible via API, and corresponding analytics reports include privacy-safe hashed user IDs.

From here, customers can pinpoint their community's most well-rated users across various healthy behaviors. That allows them to reward their top-scoring users and incentivize other users to engage in healthy behaviors, as well. The result is a community that attracts more new users and a platform that grows faster.

Positive user experiences are vital for retention and growth. New users with positive first-time experiences on a platform are 6x more likely to return. By identifying a platform's highest-scoring users for healthy behavior, Spectrum Labs can scale retention efforts by pairing new visitors with the most reputable users to boost their chances of sticking around and staying engaged.

To learn more about Spectrum Labs, visit our website.

