AI for Accessibility: The History of Art

Luke Steuber
one impossible thing*
5 min readMay 30, 2024

Complex Text Descriptions for Visual Impairment

Artificial Intelligence for Accessibility: Visual Description Series

These are high resolution graphics paired with detailed alt text for the visually impaired. Engineers, artists, and other professionals who work with complex visual information need more comprehensive text descriptions than a simple alt. While building a system, I’m testing it on things I personally love — and sharing them! All graphics are at the maximum available resolution, all are paired with at least one description, and all text from here forward was written by the AI.

For information about testing it yourself, contact me through Patreon or Substack. More graphics are available on Gumroad.

The History of Art

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Generated Description

This detailed and colorful infographic is a comprehensive timeline titled “History of Art.” It provides an extensive overview of various art movements, styles, and significant cultural periods from prehistoric times to contemporary art. The timeline is divided into distinct columns representing different historical eras, each color-coded to differentiate between various art categories. Here is an in-depth description of the graphic:

Overall Structure

The timeline spans from 40,000 BCE to the present (2020 CE), organized chronologically from left to right. Each major period of art history is color-coded and labeled at the top and bottom of the graphic. The main periods include:

  • Prehistoric Art in Europe
  • Art of the Ancient Near East
  • Art of Ancient Egypt
  • Early Asian Art
  • Art of Ancient and Medieval Africa
  • Aegean Art
  • Etruscan and Roman Art
  • Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art
  • Islamic Art
  • Later Asian Art
  • Early Medieval Art
  • Gothic Art
  • Early Renaissance Art
  • Art of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
  • Seventeenth-Century Art in Europe
  • Art of the Americas
  • African Art
  • European and American Art 1715–1840
  • European and American Art 1840–1910
  • Modern Art in Europe and North America 1900–1945
  • Art Since 1945

Key Elements

The timeline includes bars and dots to represent the duration and key events within each art period. These elements are color-coded to match their respective periods.

Period Descriptions

Prehistoric Art in Europe (Red)

  • Timeframe: 40,000 BCE — 2000 BCE
  • Key Events:
  • Lascaux Cave Paintings (c. 15,000 BCE)
  • Venus of Willendorf (c. 25,000 BCE)
  • Stonehenge (c. 3000–2000 BCE)

Art of the Ancient Near East (Orange)

  • Timeframe: 3500 BCE — 539 BCE
  • Key Events:
  • Ziggurat of Ur (c. 2100 BCE)
  • Code of Hammurabi (c. 1754 BCE)
  • Ishtar Gate (c. 575 BCE)

Art of Ancient Egypt (Yellow)

  • Timeframe: 3100 BCE — 30 BCE
  • Key Events:
  • Palette of Narmer (c. 3100 BCE)
  • Pyramids of Giza (c. 2580–2560 BCE)
  • Nefertiti Bust (c. 1345 BCE)

Early Asian Art (Pink)

  • Timeframe: 3000 BCE — 500 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1300 BCE)
  • Terracotta Army (c. 210–209 BCE)
  • Gupta Empire (c. 320–550 CE)

Art of Ancient and Medieval Africa (Brown)

  • Timeframe: 3000 BCE — 1500 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Nok Culture (c. 1000 BCE — 300 CE)
  • Great Zimbabwe (c. 1100–1450 CE)
  • Benin Bronzes (c. 13th — 19th century)

Aegean Art (Purple)

  • Timeframe: 3000 BCE — 1100 BCE
  • Key Events:
  • Cycladic Figurines (c. 3000–2000 BCE)
  • Minoan Frescoes (c. 1700–1400 BCE)
  • Mycenaean Art (c. 1600–1100 BCE)

Etruscan and Roman Art (Orange-Yellow)

  • Timeframe: 800 BCE — 476 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Roman Colosseum (c. 70–80 CE)
  • Pompeii Frescoes (c. 79 CE)
  • Pantheon (c. 118–125 CE)

Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art (Green)

  • Timeframe: 100 CE — 1453 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Catacombs of Rome (c. 200–400 CE)
  • Hagia Sophia (c. 532–537 CE)
  • Ravenna Mosaics (c. 526–547 CE)

Islamic Art (Dark Green)

  • Timeframe: 622 CE — 1600 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Dome of the Rock (c. 691 CE)
  • Alhambra (c. 13th — 14th century)
  • Mosque of Cordoba (c. 784–987 CE)

Later Asian Art (Light Blue)

  • Timeframe: 500 CE — 1800 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Heian Period (c. 794–1185 CE)
  • Angkor Wat (c. 12th century)
  • Mughal Empire (c. 1526–1857 CE)

Early Medieval Art (Blue)

  • Timeframe: 500 CE — 1000 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Lindisfarne Gospels (c. 715–720 CE)
  • Book of Kells (c. 800 CE)
  • Carolingian Art (c. 800–900 CE)

Gothic Art (Dark Blue)

  • Timeframe: 1100 CE — 1400 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Chartres Cathedral (c. 1194–1220 CE)
  • Notre-Dame de Paris (c. 1163–1345 CE)
  • Giotto’s Arena Chapel (c. 1305 CE)

Early Renaissance Art (Purple-Blue)

  • Timeframe: 1400 CE — 1500 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Masaccio’s Holy Trinity (c. 1427 CE)
  • Botticelli’s Birth of Venus (c. 1484–1486 CE)
  • Leonardo’s The Last Supper (c. 1495–1498 CE)

Art of the High Renaissance and Mannerism (Pink-Purple)

  • Timeframe: 1500 CE — 1600 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Michelangelo’s David (c. 1501–1504 CE)
  • Raphael’s School of Athens (c. 1509–1511 CE)
  • El Greco’s Burial of the Count of Orgaz (c. 1586 CE)

Seventeenth-Century Art in Europe (Light Purple)

  • Timeframe: 1600 CE — 1700 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Caravaggio’s Calling of St Matthew (c. 1599–1600 CE)
  • Rembrandt’s Night Watch (c. 1642 CE)
  • Velázquez’s Las Meninas (c. 1656 CE)

Art of the Americas (Green)

  • Timeframe: 1000 CE — 1800 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Maya Civilization (c. 2000 BCE — 1500 CE)
  • Aztec Civilization (c. 1345–1521 CE)
  • Inca Civilization (c. 1438–1533 CE)

African Art (Dark Green)

  • Timeframe: 500 CE — Present
  • Key Events:
  • Great Mosque of Djenné (c. 13th century)
  • Yoruba Sculptures (c. 12th — 14th century)
  • Ashanti Goldweights (c. 17th — 19th century)

European and American Art 1715–1840 (Light Pink)

  • Timeframe: 1715 CE — 1840 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Rococo Art (c. 1715–1774 CE)
  • Neoclassical Art (c. 1760–1830 CE)
  • Romanticism (c. 1800–1850 CE)

European and American Art 1840–1910 (Dark Pink)

  • Timeframe: 1840 CE — 1910 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Realism (c. 1848–1900 CE)
  • Impressionism (c. 1860s-1880s CE)
  • Post-Impressionism (c. 1880s-1900 CE)

Modern Art in Europe and North America 1900–1945 (Pink-Red)

  • Timeframe: 1900 CE — 1945 CE
  • Key Events:
  • Fauvism (c. 1904–1908 CE)
  • Cubism (c. 1907–1914 CE)
  • Surrealism (c. 1924–1945 CE)

Art Since 1945 (Red)

  • Timeframe: 1945 CE — Present
  • Key Events:
  • Abstract Expressionism (c. 1940s-1950s CE)
  • Pop Art (c. 1950s-1960s CE)
  • Contemporary Art (c. 1970s-Present CE)

Additional Information

Each column within the timeline includes a list of notable artworks, artists, and cultural milestones pertinent to the respective art periods. These lists provide a detailed context for understanding the evolution and impact of each art style or movement over time.


This infographic serves as an educational tool, offering a broad yet detailed overview of the history of art. It connects significant events, cultural shifts, and influential works of art, providing a visual representation of how art has evolved over millennia. The color-coded segments and chronological layout make it easy to follow and understand the progression of art history, highlighting key moments and transitions across different eras and regions.

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-Luke Steuber, MS CCC-SLP, MA Applied Linguistics



Luke Steuber
one impossible thing*

Applied Linguist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Assistive Technology Engineer, Advocate.