5 Amazing Ways Video Subtitles Can Enhance Your Content

SpeechText AI
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2022
Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash

Videos are one of the most popular ways to share content online. In a world where it’s increasingly difficult for people to read, videos can be used as a way to educate us and give information in an entertaining way. Videos are visual, they’re engaging and they can instantly connect with your audience on a whole new level.

Video subtitles can be an ingenious way of enhancing your content and adding more value for your audience. By adding video subtitles, you can help give your content much more depth, engagement and longevity as a result. Here are five amazing ways that subtitles can enhance your content:

1. Subtitles Make Your Video Accessible For People With Hearing Loss

Subtitles can make your videos far more accessible to people who have difficulty hearing, including those with hearing loss, those who are hard of hearing, and those who may be in a noisy setting. According to the World Health Organization, 347 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss. That’s about 5 percent of the world’s population, and that number is expected to rise as people age. Those with hearing loss may not be able to understand what you’re saying in your video unless you use video subtitles.

2. Subtitles Help Your Video Appeal to a Wider Audience

Subtitles allow you to reach more people with your video content. While some people may not be able to hear or understand audio-only content, subtitles give them the opportunity to enjoy your video as well. In fact, studies show that viewers who view videos with subtitles tend to spend more time on the content than those who don’t have access to subtitles.

A major benefit of subtitles is that they allow viewers who are distracted by background noise (e.g., children running around or dogs barking) to focus on what’s happening in the video instead of trying to listen for important information amid all the hubbub. This allows them to absorb more information from each scene so they don’t miss anything important!

3. Subtitles Boost Your Video Search Ranking

In addition to making your video more accessible, subtitles can also help boost the SEO ranking of your video by increasing the number of words in the transcript. This is because search engines look at the number of words in the transcript when determining how relevant your video is to a search query — so if you have more words than other videos in your niche, you’re more likely to show up at the top of search results for certain keywords related to that topic.

If your video has subtitles, then those subtitles will appear in Google searches and other places where videos are displayed.

4. Subtitles Increase Views On Social Media

Subtitles are especially useful for videos that you share on social media, like Facebook or Twitter. If you’re making a tutorial video, subtitles can be a great way to explain the steps in detail.

Social media users are often watching videos without sound — so subtitles can be essential for understanding the content. According to data from YouTube, videos with subtitles have an average watch time of 10 percent longer than those without them and also increase your video’s shareability on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter by 15-20 percent.

5. Subtitles Make Your Video Easily Understood By Language Learners And Non-Native Speakers

Subtitles are a great way to open up your content to people who don’t speak the language you’re using in your video. You can even add them to your video without any extra work, thanks to automatic transcription tools like Online Video to Text Converter.

Subtitles make it easier for viewers to understand what they’re seeing and hearing in a video by translating spoken words into written text that appears on screen during playback. This makes it much easier for people who struggle with communication issues related to language barriers. For example, someone who speaks English as a second language might find it easier to follow along with the dialogue in a video if it has been subtitled in their native language.


Without a doubt, video subtitles add an incredible amount of value. They’re useful, they’re popular, and they really shouldn’t be used as an afterthought. If you’re a blogger or website owner who publishes videos regularly, we strongly recommend incorporating video subtitles into your strategy. As demonstrated in this article, there are so many reasons to do it — make the most of them today!

