I hosted a “speed dating” event in India and How?

Varun Mannava
Speed Meet
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2017
Participants having a lighter moment during the event

We have all heard this a thousand times over! “When you really want to do something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it!” Sounds pretty cheesy when you don’t believe it. Even if you did believe, you may not be in a position to realise when it actually happens!

My story is totally different.

I woke up one morning in the month of June 2017. It was Tuesday. 2:30 am. I wrote a mail to a pub owner in Hyderabad whom I had befriended a few months ago. The context was that I wanted to conduct a “Hitch” movie like speed dating event. I gave the primary outline in my mail and slept off. The next day I did not get any response yet. In my usual anxious self, I told my colleague at work about the mail I wrote the previous night. He immediately told me he knows a friend who does a similar thing in Delhi/ Bangalore and that I should get in touch with them.

He puts in a word to them and one of the organisers gets in touch with me. She walks me through the origins of the concept, current scene and how I would fit into the organisation as a “Host”! This was exactly what I was looking for. I was ready for this task.

This same colleague at work also puts me in touch with another pub manager in Hyderabad who might be open to conducting this. After a few weeks, the new venue was indeed ok to conducting this first of its kind event in Hyderabad.

Come July 23 (some 40 days later) I am taking a cab to this new venue. Its 1.30 pm and I am listening to songs while mentally revisiting all the things I needed to carry (including my self confidence). The Founder of Speed Meet calls me from Delhi around 1.40 pm. He wants to know if I am all set to do this and if I need anything from him. I tell him its all cool.

I reach the venue. Initially hesitant, I get a grip on myself and start speaking to the manager and explain him how the event is going to start and how it will proceed and how it will end. I start numbering the tables, once done labelling all the tables, I explain to the manager how he needs to receive the participants and that he should handover the response sheets and the free drink coupon upon entry itself.

Participants looking engrossed in a conversation during the event

I choose a corner where I feel least threatened and I now wait for participants to arrive. The event is scheduled to start at 3.30 pm. Its 3.15 and my first participant arrives. I go speak to him. I see that he is more freaked out than me. This puts me in a sweeter spot. I suddenly remember that I conquered my shyness a few years ago and that I was all set to run this show.

By 4 pm the last participant arrives. My friend from Gurgaon days also arrives as requested with his DSLR and monopod to cover the event through his lens.
I climb the steps to a semi elevated area in the middle of the pub.
“Good evening everyone, May I have your attention please? I am your host for the speed dating event today. Congratulations to all of you since you are the first ever batch of Speed Meet in Hyderabad ! ….

As the event progressed, I realised that the event was moving ahead in an ‘auto-pilot mode’. This was because of two reasons. The participants were carefully chosen by the organisers and this ensured there was no friction or disturbance caused by the participants. The second reason why the event was running smoothly was that there was a genuine interest and demand to meet people. There was no force. Yet, the pace at which the event moved forward was a pleasure to watch.

Water helps calm my nerves a bit!

As I complete the event, I walk out to the terrace area of the pub where my Gurgaon friend is seated. He had an opportunity to pursue his passion for the first time that day. This was his first event coverage. He always wanted to do this.

Maybe as the King says in ‘The Alchemist’, if you help others pursue their passion, your passion will be taken care by default. This is what happened to me and I realised this as I joined my friend for a drink. The participants were still hanging out inside the pub after the event. This in itself speaks volumes about the success of the event besides the good feedback they gave me personally.

Interacting with a participant during the break!

I sit with my friend and watch the sunset while a participant comes and joins us for a drink. We chat our way through as the sun finds its way through the horizon in the west.

I did stir up the world after all! A little bit, ha!

By Varun Mannava (Pub Reviewer & the Author of the *Bestseller book “Polite Pickup Lines in Indian Pubs” buy now on Amazon — CLICK HERE )

Upcoming event in Hyderabad on Aug 6th

