… of Speed Dating in India

Rajshree Sharma
Speed Meet
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2017
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I have always looked at speed dating with a wide-eyed wonderment- not because it involves 20-odd strangers going on a ‘speed date’ with each other (as if that is not daunting enough!), but at the sheer trust that these 20 people are able to put in an institution they do not have much information on.

Speed dating in itself is not a new concept; however, its advent in India, especially in an ‘out there’ fashion, is extremely recent. Truth be told, I have never been a participant in such an event. At the same time, I have had the luxury to see over two dozen speed dating events get organised from a close range. Pertinent to mention, I have often been an active ‘helper’ to the organising team. It is on this basis that I consider myself a good enough authority to speak on the matter. So here I am, rambling about the dynamics of speed dating in India.

1. Everyone is excited to borderline nervous
Going on a date in itself can be never-wracking for the best of us, so imagine being introduced to a dozen singles who more or less are ‘your kinda’ people. You are nervous, so are most of them- better to make the most of this mutual awkwardness!

2. You do not like to travel
Feel free to place the Judgy Judgerson hat on my person, but I have a difficult time reckoning as to how every person seems to enjoy travelling. So here is a tip- unless you went scuba diving in the Bay of Bengal or hiking up the Everest base camp, let’s avoid this bit. The thing about a speed dating setup is that you need to stand out- saying the same thing that pretty much everyone is saying will not help with the recall value, and boy does the recall value matter!

3. Safety concerns abound
Of course I cannot answer this on behalf of every organisation which is hosting a speed dating event, but the folks at Speed Meet do make safety a primary concern. A #CreepFreeZone is promised to all the participants (honestly, don’t get why the hashtag features everywhere, but as long as the promise works, I guess?). I have seen my friends spend hours and hours speaking to every applicant they shortlist. Purpose? Weeding out the potentially creepy elements.

4. “What if no one is my type?”
Well, that would be a bummer, for sure! One date is bad enough, imagine having to meet a dozen people on the trot who you just cannot relate with. Actually, spare your imagination. The gentle folks at Speed Meet toil hard enough to ensure they shortlist people who appear to be similarly placed in life, personally and professionally. From maintaining a specific age band per event to getting to know each invitee before shortlisting, it’s all handled by them. Pretty neat.

5. “Does it actually work?”
Damn sure, it does! I have seen people going on second and third dates, and some took it forward to a full blown relationship. If that isn’t success, then what is!

6. This Blog Seems Paid
If only! :(
Having seen the amount of hard-work Speed Meet folks continue to invest in ensuring a seamless experience, I find it fair to give credit where it is due.

People approach speed dating with a multiplicity of emotions, and some of these may not always be positive. Therefore, for anyone planning to be a part of such an experience, it is important that you know how the organisers are managing the entire affair. With the kind of personal attention that every Speed Meet gets in ensuring a safe and exciting mix of people, I am sceptical if anyone around can match their efforts. When at the right place, speed dating can turn out to be a vastly better experience than going on dates sourced from online platforms. For a starter, there is no chance your 24 years old right-swipe will turn out to be 16 years old school kid!

A Fleeting Moment Captured During One of the Many Speed Meets

