Introducing Speedinvest Executive Briefings

Mathias Klozenbuecher
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2020

“Connecting portfolio companies to our corporate network of partners is nothing new. What is fresh and exciting about this new initiative is the scale and scope that we are putting behind it.”

New Year, Same Challenges

Finding traction for your company can be incredibly challenging given the limited resources usually available to startups. To make matters worse, you often don’t receive viable customer feedback until after a product or feature is developed and launched. That leads to costly and time consuming changes. You’re not alone.

Corporations struggle too. Trying to stay on top of the latest innovations in their respective fields is a never-ending battle. As a result, they often miss disruptive technologies and digitization trends.

The solution? Rather than spend exorbitant amounts of time, effort and money to succeed separately — join forces!

Introducing Si Executive Briefings

As one of the leading tech VCs in Europe, Speedinvest has a vast corporate network across the globe with strong ties into C-Suites and their innovation agendas. SI Executive Briefings introduce our founders to executives in a small-scale, highly tailored experience, so finding the right connection is never left to chance. It’s the perfect setting to pitch your startup early to collect valuable feedback or find a strategic partner early in your company’s life-cycle.

“Connecting portfolio companies to our corporate network of partners is nothing new.”

In fact, Si CEO, Oliver Holle, says it’s been part of our business model since day one.

“What is fresh and exciting about this new initiative is the scale and scope that we are putting behind it.”

With more than 140 portfolio companies across Europe, Speedinvest can now offer our corporate partners across various industries curated, direct access to technologies that are truly relevant to them. In short, it’s time to take our professional matchmaking services to the next level.

We Do The Legwork, You Reap The Rewards

Our Si Executive Briefing team ensures each briefing is highly curated to focus on meaningful connections in a specific industry vertical. We speak with potential founders and corporate executives before each briefing to better understand their specific needs and capabilities. Armed with that information, we only invite the most relevant corporations and founders to attend.

Our team also takes care of all planning and logistics — venue, agenda, post-briefing follow-ups, etc. — so you can spend your time focusing on building your business.

  • Our portfolio companies are introduced to leading companies (and potential future customers) to help further their business and product development goals
  • Our corporate partners walk away with a deeper understanding of the latest innovation developments in their respective fields and the very real possibility of having found one or more startups whose services can truly help them

It truly is a win-win. That’s why we’re so excited to offer all of our portfolio companies even greater access to our global network of corporate partners.

What cutting-edge areas of innovation are we focused on in 2020?

  • DeepTech and Enterprise: Enterprise software and services, data solutions, cloud infrastructure and frontier technologies
  • Industrial Tech: Industrial data analytics, digitization and integration of value chains, softwarization of products and processes, new business models and technologies
  • Networks Effects: Focused on platforms with strong network effect potential & the technologies that enable them
  • General Tech: Broadly focused on emerging technologies including, but not limited to, B2B SaaS, consumer technology and digital health

Join the Speedinvest family: Visit to learn more and send us your pitch!

