Productivity Playlists: Music to Keep You Motivated

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3 min readApr 15, 2019

Whether you are on your way to an investor meeting, having late nights at the office or you just had a tough discussion with your co-founder: We know those feelings very well and that’s why we created our very own Spotify Playlists.

We hope you have as much fun listening to them as we do, please let us know what you think! Do you like them? Is there a special topic that we missed?

10 songs during a founders crisis — by Oliver Holle

What to do when founders fight? As great as the startup life is — sometimes you have to make tough decisions and face disagreements in the team. Communication is, of course, the best way to solve any conflicts, additionally, we recommend this playlist which was created by Oliver Holle. Enjoy!

10 songs for preparing the board deck — by Michael Schuster

You know these evenings after you are done with all those meetings, the troubleshooting, and the daily operations. That’s when you find time for thinking, preparing, reflecting on the business. Maybe while doing the deck for the next board meeting. This is a playlist by Michael Schuster to get you into the flow, and get stuff done!

10 Songs for after Insights — by Marcel van der Heijden

We are already very much looking forward to our annual Insights event which will take place in autumn in Vienna where the entire Speedinvest community will be gathering. Those who have participated already know that these days will be quite intense and inspiring! Marcel van der Heijden created the perfect soundtrack for the day after Insights. Enjoy!

10 Songs for getting shit done — by Marie Muhr

Do you know the feeling when you don’t know where to start? Everything is due today? And coffee, Club Mate or Makava isn’t working anymore? Marie Muhr created the perfect playlist which provides the ultimate motivation boost. Simply press play and get shit done!

10 Songs for when you need to rock a job interview — by Gabriela Gronychova

Our next playlist was created by Gabriela Gronychova from @speedinvestheroes and supports you with the 10 best songs for when you need to rock that job interview.

10 Songs for when someone unsubscribes from your email list or stops following you on Twitter — by Bernhard Grabner

This one will catch you in the feels. At some point, we might all be confronted with this issue — but hang in there there is a way through this! Bernhard and the Speedinvest Pirates, for instance, are always happy to help you with regaining those followers!

10 Songs for your next office party — by Nina Wöss

Already planned your next office party? No? Then maybe it’s about time. Nina Wöss, our Head of Community, created the perfect playlist with must-haves like Deichkind, Queen and you guessed it: Liquido. Enjoy!




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