Homework: Necessity or Burden?

Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2021


A wonderful experience that motivates and inspires all youngsters to excel in their studies, homework!

But there’s always more to it than just reading and taking notes; there’s also some learning involved.

Homework, often known as home assignments, is a set of chores that students are given by their teachers to accomplish outside of class.

What is the role played by Homework?

‘Teachers assist pupils by assigning homework, but there are other variables as well!’

  • It helps children preserve time, solve difficulties, and develop self-discipline by assisting them in understanding their lessons independently.
  • It creates a sense of personal learning.
  • It helps students to use libraries and other educational resources.
  • It helps them to improve their research skills of discovering, arranging, and condensing information.
  • It also brings together teachers and parents.

If teachers distribute homework promptly, it might provide them with a valuable tool for evaluation. Let’s see how!

It will help the teachers to know the following:

  • Whether the pupils have grasped the material or not, it provides them with a clear indicator of which issues require additional attention.
  • It must be given to receive proper feedback.
  • In addition, assignments must be supplied to meet the needs of effective learning.

Parents also have a role to play

Parents must assist their children with their schoolwork. This assistance will put students in a great position to succeed in class.

However, performing the child’s work may interfere with their academics and prevent them from being self-sufficient in their job. What is the simple solution for parents who do not want to get involved?

  • It is necessary to establish a regular plan for completing assignments.
  • A homework area must be equipped with all of the necessary materials and resources.
  • It is necessary to provide guidance rather than solutions.
  • assisting a child in time management
  • There must be no pressure on the environment.
  • Assist the youngster with his or her studies

So, too much participation isn’t the answer; instead, it’s all about inspiring and directing.

Homework is crucial!!

We now know that homework is required, but there are a few additional factors that should be considered to fully comprehend the significance of assigning homework to pupils. Let’s have a look!!

  • It helps a child’s memory and thinking skills.
  • It aids in the development of positive study abilities and habits in children.
  • It instils in the child the ability to work autonomously.
  • Homework enables children to take responsibility for their work; it allows them to review and practise what they have learned in class; it motivates them to thoroughly investigate any subject.
  • It enables the child to broaden his or her learning habits.

How can Homework become a burden?

  • Students, particularly younger ones, have short attention spans. Homework burdens them because they have already worked hard in school and are tired, exhausted, and confused.
  • Poor children are often discriminated against when it comes to homework. Due to budgetary constraints, they do not have access to computers or the internet at home, which makes their job even more difficult, especially when they are assigned certain projects.
  • Homework is viewed as unfavourable because of the assumption that kids may learn through activities outside of the classroom in addition to textbooks and workbooks. A student who spends all day in class and much of the night reading school materials is out of touch, has little leisure time, no exercise, and is unable to participate in extracurricular activities. In a school setting with teachers focused solely on specific subjects, a student’s talents and interests are frequently undeveloped.
  • According to one study, homework has no educational value and harms learning in young children, particularly those under the age of 14.
  • Giving assignments that are much beyond what pupils can achieve on their own is a typical practice among teachers. It’s also a problem for parents, who have a mountain of schoolwork to correct.
  • Too much homework can also be counterproductive because it causes kids to become burnt out.
  • Homework has had a bad rap over the years since it has been considered a threat in the past. One common misconception is that teachers assign homework to punish or occupy their students.
  • Children are expected to find adequate time for schoolwork, sports, recreation, and relaxation in our fast-paced world where even adults struggle to arrange themselves and cope with hectic schedules.

Key Takeaways

In primary school, the importance of homework is more motivational than intellectual. Throughout primary school, students are made aware that they have homework to complete. As a result, homework ignores intellectual education, which is a disadvantage for homework.

When homework has a clear purpose and is tailored to each student’s talents as well as the current topics being taught in class, student learning improves.

Originally published at SpeedLabs Blog.




I work for Speedlabs, an EdTech company that helps students prepare for competitive examinations through AI & Personalised learning. https://www.speedlabs.in