Weather Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate: Class 7 Chapter 7 Science Notes

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4 min readJan 16, 2023

Class 7 Notes CBSE Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate Revision Notes: When it comes to Weather Climate and Adaptation Class 7 notes, SpeEdLabs is the right platform for you if you do not know how to revise at the last minute. We have designed these Weather and climate Class 7 notes based on the latest CBSE syllabus. Students can learn the key points covered throughout the chapter by following along with the Class 7th Science chapter 7 notes.

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Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate Science Class 7 Chapter 7 Notes

  • Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere at a location, which is influenced by factors such as humidity, temperature, wind speed, and so on.
  • Humidity: It is the amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere, and which is measured by a tool called a hygrometer.
  • Climate refers to the average weather conditions at a given location over a period of time.
  • Climate-Altering Factor:
  1. The shape of the land is referred to as topography.
  2. Sea Level: One of the key aspects that affect a region’s climate is its distance from the sea and neighbouring water bodies.

iii. Ocean Currents: Ocean currents can carry heat from land to sea or vice versa, impacting the region’s temperature.

  1. While all of the above are natural factors, we, humans, are one of the most damaging factors that have triggered this climate change.
  • Adaptations to Climate: Adaptations are characteristics and behaviours that assist animals in surviving in a certain environment.
  • Adaptation has Led to the Classification of Three Regions:
  1. Polar Areas: The climate in the Polar Regions is harsh. For six months, the sun does not rise at the poles, and for another six months, it does not set.
  2. Tropical Rainforest: The tropical rainforest has torrid summers and a lot of rain. Throughout the year, the days and nights are about equal in length.

iii. Desert: This region has a harsh climate. Rainfall is low, and there is a lot of sunlight.

  • Migration
  1. It is the vast movement of animals, especially birds, from colder to warmer regions to avoid the cold, breed, or because of food scarcity.
  2. During the day, birds are guided by the sun, while at night; they are guided by the stars. Every year, a Siberian crane migrates from Siberia to India.

CBSE Class 7 Chapter 7 Science Notes Free PDF Download

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Revision Notes of Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather and Climate


Weather is defined as the atmospheric condition of any place regularly and is determined by various factors, including humidity, temperature, wind speed, etc.

Conditions Affecting Weather

The weather of any place is determined based on several factors, which include:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind or atmospheric pressure
  • Precipitation
  • Cloudiness
  • Visibility of horizon.
  • Separation of air masses.


Climate is defined as the weather of an area over a prolonged period, considered 20 years. For e.g. If the temperature of any region is usually cold, we consider it a cold place.

Various factors, including altitude, geography, topography, etc., affect the climate of any place.


The process of cloud formation is called convection.

The Process of Cloud Formation Goes as Follows:

  • The warm air above the ground becomes lighter with the sunlight and is carried upwards. When the air rises higher, the temperature drops leading to the formation of water vapours.
  • This is followed by water vapour condensation and cloud formation, which is formed by billions of tiny water droplets.

Rain Gauge

It is an important instrument used for the measurement of rainfall. It is in the form of a measuring cylinder which has a funnel on the top to collect rainwater.


Polar Regions:

  • These regions have extreme cold climatic conditions.
  • The majority of the year, these regions are covered in snow.
  • In these regions, the temperature can reach as low as -37℃.
  • The Arctic region is called North Polar, while the Antarctic region is called the South Polar.
  • The animals living in these regions have to adapt to these conditions.

Tropical Rainforests:

  • These regions usually have a high temperature as they are located around the equator.
  • In winters, the temperatures are usually above 15℃, while in summers, the temperatures go over 40℃.

The Temperate Grasslands

  • Temperate grasslands are located north of the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees North) and south of the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees South).
  • The major temperate grasslands include the veldts of Africa, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Eurasia, and the plains of North America.


These regions have extremely hot climates and receive less amount of sunlight.

Animal Adaptation:

  • The animals have to usually adapt to all the conditions based on several climatic conditions.
  • For example, In Polar regions, the polar bears have white fur. It is due to the white fur that bears are protected from their predators.
  • The polar bears have a layer of fat under their skin, which protects them from the chilly environment.
  • This is the case in different regions across the globe.

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