
Spend time on things and people that matters
3 min readOct 7, 2020

Time, time, time. Time is something precious, something we’re not always aware of but it never stops, it never rewinds, only going forward forever.

Time passes constantly and consistently too, but it doesn’t seem true at time. For example, when you’re having fun, time seems to go quickly, in the other hand, when you’re bored, it seems as if the time wanted to stop as it passes so slowly. But those are only illusions. So, when we think about it, we should ask ourselves what we want to do with our time.

Sleeping, as good as it can be is the worse idea because too much sleep will cause you problems just like not enough of it. Having your six to eight hours per night, plus some nap is enough to be well rested. How we should spend our time is not entirely our choice to make, some of us go to school, and it takes almost all their time when we include homework and stuff. Others work and their schedule vary. But after those “obligations” or responsibilities, it’s our free time that comes next.

Our free time can be spent in a million ways, but I’m not here to tell you what you should be doing with it, I’m just here to remind you that your free time is very important and we should try to get the most out of it. Watching television, doing some physical trainings, playing video games and else, everyone has their taste. But we should always remember to give some time to people who are important to us or the other way around, so when you plan (and you should plan) what you’re going to do, remember that you have friends and family. Don’t forget that even though you probably can’t find time for everyone, you should at least try to give some of your precious time to people who matters.

We all know it already, but time is the greatest gift you can give to someone, and even though people are rarely aware of the things you sacrifice just to spend as little as 5 minutes with them, you should continue to do it because when we came to life through our mother, our countdown began and we never know when it will reach zero. So be happy, spend time with people you love, fight for what you like, love and want. As for people telling you they don’t have time to talk to you or to spend with you, most of the time it’s because you’re not important enough for them. If you know you are important to them and they still don’t have time for you, it only means that they don’t know how to prioritize things and people in their life, or how to make the most out of their time, and it’s a mistake.

We should always know what or who to prioritize, because sometimes, we just want 5 minutes with someone, and it can be game changing in your relationships. Time maybe constant but when you look back and see how much have already pass, you should know that time doesn’t wait for anyone and spending it on the things or people that makes you happy is the best way to make the most of it without having regrets.



Spend time on things and people that matters

I’m Zelk, just in my twenties trying to figure out what the rest of my life will look like. I enjoy Streaming,writing and many more.