What’s a real life hero, anti-hero and villain

Spend time on things and people that matters
3 min readOct 22, 2020

In real life, heroes actually do exist, as do anti-heroes and villains.

A hero is someone who makes sacrifices, often putting his own life at great risk for the greater good of others. Heroes can also be an ordinary person doing ordinary things that serve a greater human purpose. With that definition in mind, we can say that helping people in need great or small, giving them some of your precious time, at the expense of something else is an act of heroism.

Note that heroes help people selflessly, not to benefit from it in any way possible even if sometimes it results in a reward, because some people won’t let you go without showing appreciation, but it’s your intention that counts. What compels you to help people? The answer will tell you where you stand.

An Anti-hero resembles a hero because they help too, but for them the end justifies the means. That said, an anti-hero in our world would be someone that helps people, but in any way they see fit. The only thing that matters is that their goal is accomplished. Imagine you ask someone to lend you some money you really need, they find the money for you except they did so by stealing it or using some money they shouldn’t have touched. In this regard anti-heroes lack some important noble qualities.

As for villains, everybody knows what kind of person they are. In real life, a villain is someone that can and will do anything just to see you fail. He/She doesn’t want to see you happy at all, and will try to make your life as miserable as they can. That person won’t forget to mock you at the slightest opportunity, telling others bad things about you behind your back whether it’s real or not often spreading false rumors, and they won’t stop until they do some kind of damage in your life. Most people in the world have a villain in their life, if you don’t you’re lucky.

Please note that in our world, a hero is not a 24/7 job, there are heroic moments when you see someone in need and you just go to help this person. The closest job we get to relate to definite heroes are firefighters because those guys are constantly saving lives while their own is in danger. Being a doctor or a nurse gives you plenty of responsibilities towards others and they can be identified in some cases as heroes. Working for an organization that helps people in need and making it your number one priority to help people in need in spite of all the risks and obstacles is another great example of selfless sacrifice, but even then we do know that not all the people working for an organization like this are there for the greater good. We are all capable of some act of heroism on our own. So that being said we can say without a doubt that we can all be heroes for at least some relatively short period of time, but a true hero (working 24/7, with heroic qualities and giving his life for others) is really, really rare. So try to be a hero sometimes and help someone in need, anyone.



Spend time on things and people that matters

I’m Zelk, just in my twenties trying to figure out what the rest of my life will look like. I enjoy Streaming,writing and many more.