20 Tips: How To Save Money on Groceries đŸ„

Spendee: when your money talks
7 min readMay 12, 2020

1. Plan ahead

Before entering the store, be absolutely sure what you are looking for! Use your smartphone to create shopping lists of groceries you need, or soon run out of. Even better, try planning a menu or a meal prepping plan for a week in advance. It will make your decisions way easier!

2. Don’t forget about the pantry

If you’re about to plan your meals, don’t forget to check out your pantry. There are many ingredients you could use and you’re not aware of. Dedicate a day in the month for an inventory of your pantry and fridge — you will be surprised how much you already have! What can you use for the next recipe?

3. Eat before you shop

Always go to the supermarket with a full stomach! You don’t want the cravings to take control over you. In fact, if you are all about snacks — make yourself a limit of snacks per cart. It’s good for your health and wallet at the same time!

4. Shop in supermarkets you know

Not many of us are lucky enough to have the cheapest option right next to us. Generally, the bigger store the cheaper it gets — so if you have time, weekly shopping is worth a small trip. Try sticking to your favourite cheap supermarket, you will know their regular prices and the layout! Nothing is less effective than getting lost while looking for each ingredient!

5. Use a smaller basket

If you’re not a fan of weekly or monthly shoppings and you prefer doing it regularly, go for the smaller basket. If you can’t lift it yourself, don’t buy it!

6. Buy the “no name” brands

Each supermarket chain has their own brand of groceries and it is usually the one without any name on it. Why not try it out and save half of your money? It is usually a bargain compared to branded goods and you wouldn’t even taste the difference in universal edibles like flour, sugar or canned corn.

7. Avoid what’s on the eyesight

Even though it looks like grocery shopping doesn’t have much thought behind it, it’s actually where you’re the most attacked by various marketing strategies. When walking through aisles, always look up and down, because most of the high-margin items are right at your level of eyesight. Next time you see something irresistible, think about whether it’s something you really need or it’s a perfect setup.

8. Save toiletries for later

The main idea of grocery shopping is to stock on groceries — and even though toiletries are very confidently placed in the same building, they are usually more expensive than in drugstores! Always have at least two shopping lists in your phone and separate food from toiletries.

9. Use sales wisely

Our human brain usually can’t resist all the juicy offers! How does it sound to buy a 2+1 free chocolate pack if you came into the store to buy the ingredients for pasta? It’s not free, you still paid for two of them. Use sales as your friend, not enemy. Make a list of essential goods every household should have (eg. olive oil) and stock them up when they’re on sale. Educate yourself on the matter of sales — Dan Ariely’s book Predictably Irrational will change your view on those “%” for sure!

10. Shop seasonal

Learn the seasons associated with different kinds of veggies or fruits and turn it onto your advantage. Everyone wants to get their favourite vitamins all year long, but why not mix it up a little?

11. Buy less processed foods

Don’t even think about touching that grated cheese, pre-washed salad, pre-cut ham and the salad in the box! Next time you’re shopping for cheese, compare the grated cheese vs. block cheese in price per grams. Now that will change your mind!

12. Do you really need drinks?

If you’re lucky enough to live in a country with drinking tap water, cut down on your spendings of bottled drinks. Stock up with tea, coffee or juice and leave all the rest behind. If you’re expecting guests over or there’s a special occasion, you can make an exception — but the sooner you learn to drink mostly water, the better for your wallet!

13. Reduce meat spendings

There is no need to have meat daily! Choose at least one day in a week where you eat vegetarian. If you’re a meat lover, we recommend buying it on sale and freezing it!

14. Don’t buy things at checkout counters

Try to limit the amount of “small things” that end up in your basket, especially the ones near the checkout counters. You won’t realize how much you just shopped until it’s time to pay! These areas are also very attractive for kids, so try leaving them at hope for shopping or be strict about the list.

15. Join loyalty & saving programs

If you’re shopping at the branch frequently, you can save a few bucks joining their loyalty programs. In fact, it would be interesting to track down how much you’ve saved just because of that, don’t you think?

16. Divide coupons at home

Coupons are, again, tricking you into the feeling of saving money. Divide coupons you own at home, before you go shopping! Distinguish between those you can use on groceries you actually buy often and those that you can give to friends and family.

17. Don’t shop daily

Sometimes, we go shopping just because the supermarket is on our way home or we feel like we’re missing that “one” important thing. But how often are we leaving with just that one product in our bag?

18. Try out delivery

Shopping online has tons of perks! Most of all, you don’t need to use a calculator to see how much you’re about to spend. It’s ideal for sticking to the plan. Sure, you pay something for the delivery, but you save on the irresistible goods & on time! Before doing your shopping online, always check whether the prices are more expensive or similar compared to supermarkets. In some countries it’s a great deal, while in others you may spend much more!

19. Grow your own ingredients

It doesn’t matter if plants are your hobby or an enemy, it feels good to have your own chive behind the window and use a “free” ingredient in your meal once in a while.

20. Create a budget

Create a budget for your groceries and stick to it! Read more about Weekly Budgeting and How it Will Change Your Life.

Are you using any of these tips already? Let us know by tagging Spendee on social media!



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