Master your habit in less than 5 mins a day

Spendee: when your money talks
4 min readDec 21, 2017

As much as you realize it, habit is something that changes a lot in one’s life. It is a formula of how successful at work we are, it is a formula of how healthy we feel, it is a formula of how happy we are with what we’ve achieved. Believe it or not, it seems that our ability to stick to habits reflects in our everyday life situations and makes up who we are.

Why is habit important to Spendee?

Something that we call Spendee magic usually happens after first 30 days of using our app. If you really input every little expense and income to Spendee, than after first 30 days you should be able to see the true picture of what actually happened to your money last month. This is the moment when smile might transform into tears, astonishment or despair. Those are some of the reactions our users might have at the end of the month.

When you don’t believe the numbers…

However, to get to the end of 30 days period, it takes one’s commitment and willingness to really find out what your financial habits are. What we encounter in the past is that on average 90% of our users are not able to do so. That’s why we wanna look into the ways how to make your Spendee experience a habit you can actually stick to.

Don’t touch my money :)

Take the decision

“You guys rock! Helped me save enough for my first car!”- Damyan, Spendee user

The first step is solely on you. If you have a feeling that you want to get better with your money, the take the decision and set an objective on what you want to achieve. Do you want to know what you spend your money on? Do you want to save for something? Do you want to develop healthier financial habits? It’s up to you. One of our users, for example, wanted to save money for his car. And he used Spendee as a tool, to help him with it.

Take your time to think to find out what your biggest need is. Then decide on a time frame when you want to achieve this dream of you. Make sure that it is realistic. Write it down and then decide on what you should or shouldn’t do every day to achieve what you planned.

Tell others

“I think I had the natural Spendee cycle: used it, learned a lot about my habits, started to improve them, can’t stop telling people about Spendee.” — Shandor, Spendee user

If you don’t wanna be alone in it, tell others. The more people you tell, the harder it will be not to stick to your habit. Try to find someone who will make sure to keep you motivated when you feel like quitting. In the ideal case, try to find someone who might have the same objective as you and persuade him to do this with you. It is easier to develop a habit with your friends on your side. Why do you think, people tend to go to the gym in a group? Because it’s harder to cancel on your friends.

Get a reminder

Unless you have only this one thing on your mind, it is easy to forget, especially in early stage of your habit development. Thus, it is necessary to set a trigger, that will remind you to stick to your habit. Specifically, in case of Spendee, you can turn on our notifications that remind you every day at a specific time to add your transactions.

Make it daily

“It’s like a game. I am looking forward to adding every transaction.” — Martin, Spendee user

No matter what your day looks like, make sure that you will find time to work on developing your habit. In many cases, it is really only a question of few minutes that can change your life in long-term. Think about a time you spend commuting to work for example. Are you able to fit your habit into this time? Or what about a time before you go to sleep. Isn’t that a good time to reflect your day and to evaluate how successful you were in building your habit? One of our users, for example, is adding his transactions in bulk when he is waiting in a queue while others are adding their transactions right after they purchased an item. It’s up to you to decide how do gonna track your outflows and incomes, but make sure to do it daily.

Let us know in the comment what helps you build your habits and help others in this journey.



Spendee: when your money talks

Personal finance app that gets your money into shape. Connect your bank. 💳 Track & analyze & budget your finances. 💰Download app here: