10 good reasons to adopt Spendesk

Yasmine Guyot
Spendesk Stories
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2017

We understand the expense management problems your startup has to deal with: accommodation and travel bookings, receipts for restaurants, fuel, online subscriptions, supplies etc. Our goal is simple but ambitious: to rethink your spending processes by providing you with an easy-to-use, efficient payment solution that optimises management of your teams’ spending. Here are the top 10 hassles we do away with for our clients! That’s 10 reasons guaranteed to make you trust us.

1. You’re fed up of lending out the company credit card

Your company has a corporate card to pay for online and offline expenses. But if you only have one payment card for everyone, you have to lend it around. The card is constantly being handed from one employee to the next depending on their needs. As a result, you are always interrupted and being asked to lend it out. With Spendesk virtual payment cards, we’ve done away with this problem: for example, each employee can manage their expenses independently online.

2. Your employees don’t send in their invoices on time

Making payments using a company card or using expense reports to refund employee expenses involves keeping track of bills and proofs of payment. But because your employees don’t hand them in promptly, you end up wasting your time and the company wastes money since VAT can’t be claimed back without receipts. With Spendesk, you can automate this entire process, instantly saving you both time and money.

3. The company credit card is passed around too much

Lending out the company card to each employee, you run the risk of losing it. Or worse still, of fraudulent use, in which case you have to block the card and order a new one (and wait until it arrives). Spendesk’s single use virtual cards save you from running this risk.

4. Employee payments are blocked

Because of 3DS codes being sent by SMS to the (currently abroad) CEO’s mobile phone, because your corporate card reached its spending limits and it takes weeks to reach your bank and change them, employees are often blocked and need to wait for days before being able to buy the stuff they need to get their job done. This problem doesn’t arise with Spendesk : you can raise or lower spending limits in a few clicks from your dashboard.

5. You have to manage several subscriptions

Your teams may have dozens of subscriptions to online services, such as SaaS software in particular. But in time, some of these subscriptions need to be cancelled. It falls to you to take care of this but you never know who is in charge of them.

Spendesk has the edge when it comes to this because the management interface allows you to easily view all subscriptions, manage expenses, and terminate any services that your teams no longer need.

6. You manage several subsidiaries and offices in several countries

Are you in charge of administrating your company’s various subsidiaries and many offices? Do your employees all incur work-related expenses? Our solutions provide a simple payment method for all your subsidiaries that is secure and that you can manage from a single plagiphytform.

7. Your expense claims process is a nightmare

Managing expense reports and processing accounting transactions carried out using the company card is a complicated and time-consuming job, and in some cases it can be a nightmare. Spendesk simply does away with expense reports altogether!

8. You want greater control over spending

Our various products give you control over all expense requests made my employees but also allow you to have requests validated by a superior if needs be. Spendesk’s management interface was designed with this in mind.

9. You want greater flexibility over spending limits

To better manage work-related employee expenses, Spendesk allows you to control payment card limits with just a few clicks. You can lower or raise limits using the online management tool. It’s simple and flexible.

10. You want to automate account processing

If you think that entering payments into your accounting system no longer constitutes an effective or up-to-date approach, then you’re right, and it’s time to opt for Spendesk! Our solution automates expense management and enters payments and invoices directly into your accounting software.

If you’re not yet fully convinced that Spendesk is an agile, optimal and cost effective solution for managing your expenses, sign up for a free trial. You can even give our product a try for 30 days without commitment and if you’re not completely satisfied with it, we’ll refund you.

This is ringing a bell ? Book a free demo to see how you can regain control over company spending.

Originally published at blog.spendesk.com.



Yasmine Guyot
Spendesk Stories

PM @Pampers • ex-CMO @Spendesk • ex-Growth @eFounders • ex-Online Marketer @Wix • Analytics + Creativity = 🚀