Startups, get all your SaaS subscriptions in order!

Spendesk Stories
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2017

Slack, Intercom, Zapier, Amazon Web Services, Zendesk, Mixpanel… SaaS tools have become essential to any company as it seems impossible to carry on working without them! A startup’s SaaS stack can quickly turn out to be unmanageable as the team starts growing. In a nutshell, being able to clearly manage this array of subscriptions has become a real nightmare for everyone. How do you pull yourself out of this tricky situation? We’ll tell you all about this…

Being a SaaS collector is a costly addiction 🎰

At Spendesk, we’re used to dealing with more than 50 SaaS (not to mention all the free trials!) so we have a good understanding of what it is like to juggle between each of them :) Talking of which, we’re pretty sure you’ve already been dealing with one those SaaS-related issues:

  • It’s always a hassle to get ahold of your company credit card when you need to pay for a new subscription. Now that you have it, pay attention not to lose it, or even worse, have it stolen! After all, it would be a pity to block all your company’s transactions…
  • Your accountant is going nuts every month when having to track down all those recurring expenses. A subscription here… Another one there… who paid for what? Where is the invoice? What a lovely mess…
  • You’ve probably heard Tom from the Marketing team saying with a great feeling of outrage (yes we’re slightly exaggerating) :

‘No way! We’ve been using both Mixpanel and Kissmetrics all that time? But it’s the same stuff, we should have optimised all of this!”

  • Or when Liza almost had a panic attack after receiving an umpteenth reminder coming from the accountant: she had forgotten to provide most of her receipts for the past 3 months. Well, in fact, she has lost half of them…but don’t tell the accountant
  • Don’t you remember that time when the company credit card couldn’t be found while you needed to start a trial for the latest “Ninja Growth Hacking SaaS” ? Rick went on holidays for one week in beautiful Australia and unintentionally took the card. Your visible frustration became a legend in the office…
  • We must admit that it’s really generous of you to keep paying for Sam’s Linkedin Premium account. Especially since he left the company six month ago…
  • Thinking of it, the greatest loss certainly happened the day you came back from your awesome break, and realized you couldn’t access your sales pipeline. Your CRM’s payment method had expired 2 weeks ago and you didn’t notice (nobody would have…)

We are sure that some of those stories sound familiar, and we’d love to hear your own anecdotes, feel free to share them with

Using your boss’ credit card can work out out for a little while, but then when things become serious it turns out to be a real mess. Don’t be afraid! We found the right solution for you… I mean we actually built it!

Manage your SaaS payments like a pro 💪

Spendesk lets you easily manage and pay for all your subscriptions. How so?

With a simple click, a teammate can make an online subscription request in Spendesk, fills in the supplier name and asks for a monthly budget. This request requires a manager’s approval to be validated in order to access a virtual prepaid card to proceed with the purchase.

A unique prepaid virtual card is issued for each subscription, ensuring you an optimal follow-up and control over your recurring payments.

Besides, this process allows your company’s accountant to send automatic reminders to notify colleagues that they have to attach their receipts.

In a nutshell, Spendesk makes is easy to manage ALL your SaaS subscriptions by giving you more flexibility on one hand, and more control on the other.

Our solution allows you to:

  • Monitor recurring payments in real-time. There’s no surprise anymore as you are in total control of your spending! Isn’t this super awesome, right?
  • Set a monthly budget on each prepaid card according to your spending needs for a specific supplier. We prevent any SaaS from taking extra money on your subscription card! You can easily modify your monthly budget and adapt it accordingly, giving you greater flexibility ;)
  • Put on hold unwanted subscriptions, directly from your Spendesk interface. You can deactivate or reactivate a card in a single click, very handy to make sure you won’t be charged if you don’t want to.
  • Collaborate smoothly with your team: you know exactly who’s in charge of which tool and are able to change a subscription’s owner at your convenience!
  • Make your accountant smile since you’ll collect 100% of your invoices automatically. (S)he’ll also save hours on bookkeeping since we integrate with your accounting software.

Still not convinced? Well, for dinosaurs there’s always going to be the good old Excel…

This is ringing a bell ? Book a free demo to see how you can regain control over your subscriptions.

Originally published at



Spendesk Stories

Take control of your company #spending - Spendesk is a unique solution to generate corporate cards for employees and manage expenses as a team. #B2B #FinTech