launch documentary about sPerfomance April 25th

Mattia Lerario
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2019 are launching a series called “Start Up i Silicon Valley”. sPerformance with CEO Tom Aas is the portraited Founder & CEO in the series.He has been on a longer trip to Silicon Valley together with the key team members Salvador Baille and Lorenzo Ruscelli, where the goal was to meet investors and to further explore the start-up and accelerator environment there. The documentary series give a lot of valuable input for people working with startups and innovation in general. It also shows how to approach the complex business networks of Silicon Valley.

The documentary also shows the positive feedback sPerformance got when presenting how to change the game of sales through the product Lead X™ and the new sales software category Lead Management 360™.

Under follows a teaser (in Norwegian), and the actual series will be sent weekly over 5 Thursdays, starting April 25th.

