June 3, 2021, Dev Updates for SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SPF Dev Update Archive
5 min readJun 3, 2021

The SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet projects are all closely related as they form integral parts of the SORA ecosystem. That is why development status updates are released every two weeks for these three projects, in one convenient place. Enjoy the June 3, 2021, Dev update! If you missed the previous ones:

April 9 DEV update / March 26th DEV update / March 12th DEV update / February 26th DEV update / February 12th DEV update / January 29th DEV update / January 15th DEV update / December 25th DEV update / December 11th DEV update / November 27th DEV update / November 13th DEV update / October 30th DEV update / October 16th DEV update

SORA Dev Update #14

🚀 SORA Android app v2.0.2 is now available on Google Play

  • Initial release with XOR, VAL, and PSWAP tokens supported
  • Asset management with show, hide, change asset order features
  • Send and receive XOR, VAL, PSWAP between SORA network accounts
  • SMS verification is not required for registration anymore!
  • Phone number is not required anymore!

🍏 The iOS application for SORA v2 is being prepared and coming soon for the testnet

🚊 Migration of VAL tokens from SORA v1 to SORA v2 is available

  • for Android in the version 2.0.2
  • and coming soon for iOS

🎆 Testnet Updates

  • Ethereum bridge improvements

👨‍💻 Ongoing Development

  • Token Bonding Curve rewards calculation clarification
  • Designing Polkaswap integration solution into the SORA and Fearless mobile applications
  • Asset details page in the mobile application
  • Whitelist of tokens in the mobile application

🤝 Collaborations

  • SubQuery collaboration for querying data from the blockchain
  • SubScan collaboration for a more powerful block explorer

💖 Social media:

🍿 SORA youtube channel was created. Videos, demos, and tutorials are planned to be published there

Polkaswap Dev Update #16

🎆 Testnet Updates

  • UI for selecting a custom node
  • UI for claiming rewards for buying from the Token Bonding Curve and fees for providing liquidity
  • Allowing assets to be selected for swap, pool, and bridge transactions without being added to the account first
  • Whitelist of tokens (tutorial)

👨‍💻 Ongoing Development

  • Market maker rewards (for users who have made more than 500 transactions per month with the amount of more than 1 XOR) implementation
  • Farming (liquidity proving) rewards implementation
  • Improve the block production performance for the blocks with swap operations
  • Redesigning web UI components
  • Various fixes based on user feedback
  • Adding translation for more languages
  • Vested VAL rewards for XOR erc-20 holders

💖 Social media:

🍿 Polkaswap youtube channel was created. Videos, demos, and tutorials are planned to be published there

Fearless Wallet Dev Update #20

🎉 The new version of Fearless Wallet is now available on the AppStore & Google Play with Staking & Crowdloan features, as well as many other improvements:

🥩 Staking features: We completed most of the planned staking features, and are excited to finally provide access to them for our users! Let us know what you think about them, and stay tuned for more updates & new features for validator staking

🙌 Crowdloans: We are proud to be one of the first apps officially supporting crowdloans on Kusama & Polkadot. Our users can download the latest version of Fearless Wallet and be ready for upcoming crowdloans on Kusama!

Other features & improvements: Phishing protection, History improvements, MoonPay support for buying DOT tokens, updated style of the app, and lots of other minor improvements are already available as part of the new update:

🍎 iOS download: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fearless-wallet/id1537251089

Changelog: https://github.com/soramitsu/fearless-iOS/releases/tag/1.8.0

🚀 Android download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.soramitsu.fearless

APK / Changelog: https://github.com/soramitsu/fearless-Android/releases/tag/v1.8-rc1

🤝 Collaborations:

🌟 SORA & Polkaswap: Polkaswap mobile implementation is planned to be started next week by the SORA team and the Fearless Wallet team is planning to contribute

🌟 SubQuery: Fearless Wallet is now using OnFinality nodes by default since they proved to be the most reliable and fastest, compared to the others. You can also thank them for providing a convenient API for fetching Total Rewards from Staking, which we now implemented in Fearless Wallet

🌟 Shiden & Plasm crowdloans are now officially supported. Guide how to participate in the Shiden network crowdloan can be found on the Plasm wiki: Link

🌟 Karura & Acala: Crowdloan with Karura referral codes will be officially supported in Fearless Wallet!

🌟 We are discussing with Bifrost & Moonbeam teams to integrate their custom crowdloans, so stay tuned

🌟 Subscan: API token was updated, so our users can enjoy history feature in Fearless Wallet, powered by the Subscan API

🌟 Ryabina: Our teams started to design solution for decentralized service of Push notifications, stay tuned for news of upcoming push notification feature to Fearless Wallet, powered by Ryabina (link)

🎁 Grants:

Stage 3 re-submission to Polkadot council is in progress

Stage 4 composition (governance, advanced account features, cold wallets) to Kusama and Polkadot councils

💖 Social media:

🌐 Our website at fearlesswallet.io is now updated to represent staking features, and soon more updates and information will come; stay tuned!

🍿 Fearless Wallet youtube channel was created. Official videos, demos, and tutorials are planned to be published there

About SORA NEO Network, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SORA is a new economic system aimed at creating a supranational, world economic system with built-in tools for decentralized finance (DeFi). The SORA network implements a new way of parachain architecture on Polkadot and Kusama network, with the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to the Polkadot ecosystem.

One of the DeFi applications that will run on the SORA network is Polkaswap, a non custodial liquidity aggregating, cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem with boundless liquidity through its one-of-a-kind Aggregate Liquidity Technology (ALT).

Fearless Wallet is a mobile wallet designed for the decentralized future on the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem, with support for iOS and Android platforms. An awesome user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. Fearless Wallet will integrate Polkaswap for easy, decentralized swaps of assets.

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SPF Dev Update Archive

https://polkaswap.io is a non-custodial cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems and hosted on the SORA 2.0 network.