October 30, 2020, Dev Updates for SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SPF Dev Update Archive
3 min readOct 30, 2020

The SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet projects are all closely related as they form integral parts of the SORA ecosystem. That is why we release a development status update every two weeks for these three projects, in one convenient place. Enjoy our October 30 Dev update! If you missed the first one, check out our October 16 Dev update.

SORA Dev Update #2

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✌️ The VAL token was released on the SORA testnet. Updated mobile applications are being reviewed now. When the review is done they will be available for public testing, so stay tuned in the Soralution Telegram chat.

🙏 The SORA v1 Network’s Ethereum bridge has been released on the testnet. When the updated Soralution apps are available, you can try to send test VAL tokens to the Ethereum testnet (Rinkeby). If you don’t have TEST VAL tokens, ask someone in the Telegram chat!

👤 Development of the new profile page for the SORA New Economic Order (NEO) application is done.

💫 We’re working on redesigning and adding new features for SORA NEO. We’ll keep you updated!

The upcoming SORA New Economic Order mobile app.

Polkaswap Dev Update #4

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🔒🧪🌐 We’ve successfully launched our private testnet. This will help us to prepare Polkaswap for public launch on the Rococo test network.

🚰 Polkaswap liquidity aggregator for splitting trades across a number of liquidity sources, thus ensuring the optimal swap exchange rate and the sufficient liquidity for a trade to be executed.

XYK pool implementation is finished. It allows users to deposit/withdraw liquidity and perform swaps, using AMM constant product trading.

👨‍🌾🌾The farming pallet with incentives distribution is done. Now users can create farms with parameters like distribution model and incentive amounts, invest in it, and after some time claim the incentives. Happy farming!

Ξ We’ve successfully tested an interaction between Substrate and Ethereum nodes through off-chain workers as part of the implementation of the bridge to the Ethereum network.

🔗📒 Multisig pallet is finished, it allows multiple parties to manage one account. This module will be used by some bridges for creating consensus between blockchains.

Simple MVP interface of Polkaswap. However, much more to come as well!

Fearless Wallet Dev Update #8

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🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Public testing (early access release) of the Fearless Wallet was started on the 24th of October:

🚀 Android v0.4.1 download: Google Play

🍎 iOS v0.4 download: TestFlight

Fearless Wallet: Now in Japanese and other languages!

🎁 A public demo of the 4th Sprint (Oct 7 — Oct 22) was conducted on October 26th. Recording and slides are available on Google Drive

💪 The Fearless Wallet dev team has started the 5th Sprint (Oct 28 — Nov 20) to finalize the official release and prepare the Stage 2 report for the Kusama Council

📱 Official release of the Fearless Wallet app is planned on for around the 25th of November

💌 We are going to review, estimate, and submit a proposal for Stage 3 to the Kusama Council closer to the 20th of November

⛳️ Stage 3 will be focused on Staking (Nominator & Validator), Polkaswap integration, and “Buy tokens via card” features, as well as other improvements

🍒 Collaboration with Ryabina bot team for Push notifications is in progress

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SORA community:

Twitter | Telegram | Announcement Channel

Polkaswap community:

Twitter | Telegram | Announcement Channel

Fearless Wallet community:

Twitter | Telegram



SPF Dev Update Archive

SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.