Digital Identity Solutions — Why They Matter

Aenesh Sengupta
Sphere Identity
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2019

The Digital Identity industry has witnessed a wave of popularity in recent times and has an estimated worth of $19.3 billion in 2023. The reason for the rise is apparent — consumers seek security. The identity solutions available to businesses are many and varied, enabling them to handle consumer data securely and in compliance with the major privacy regulations.

If you’re a business owner or decision maker, this is a good time to consider digital identity applications for your organisation. Here are some reasons why.

Is Your Business Protected?

The Identity Theft Resource Centre reports that the volume of breached personal records in 2018 increased by 126% over the previous year, impacting over 4 billion records.

No matter the size or scope of your organisation, hackers will prey on vulnerabilities in your networks to plan their attack. The goal is to breach business systems, steal user information and disappear.

The most common targets are social logins and traditional password systems, often used in phishing scams. These logins are easier to imitate and consequently increase the chances of a successful breach. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, 81% of data breaches involve weak, default or stolen passwords. Identity solutions provide a secure method for users to access a platform. A password-less security framework, which most identity providers incorporate, is almost impossible to breach.

Consumers on Alert

Market sentiment around trust is starting to play a key role in determining if and how a consumer interacts with a business. Businesses in key geographic markets have suffered an acute loss of trust; the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals some interesting figures.

Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer

There’s also negative sentiment towards social media platforms, as indicated in the graph below. Integrating social logins only diminishes the confidence consumers have in brands and digital commerce websites. The future is at stake and businesses need to partner with trusted digital identity providers to help restore their credibility. Providing users with full ownership of their data and secure access mechanisms is the way ahead.

Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer

Everything Is Connected

The economy of connected digital devices continues to grow at a radical rate and is predicted to reach $75.44 billion in 2025. Businesses need to keep up with the vast increase in digital footprints by adopting secure digital ID solutions.

Source: Statista

In their attempt to improve operational efficiencies and user experience, businesses often rely on new technology such as AI, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Big Data. Although these innovations promise competences, there’s typically a significant wait time before an application reaches its intended level of performance. Plus, constant funding is required for research and development.

A secure digital identity solution is multi-functional and serves as a practical alternative. Through it, businesses can respect the sovereignty of users, control data liability exposure, offer better user experiences and regularly upgrade data security.

A Look to the Future

As a key decision maker, consumers hold you accountable for taking adequate precautionary steps to safeguard the privacy and security of their data — independently, outside of government-mandated regulations.

Sphere Identity is an identity solution that serves a dual function — it promotes data privacy and streamlines user journeys. A secure digital commerce interface, it is an alternative to traditional sign-up forms and makes seamless onboarding possible.

The Sphere Identity app also equips users to safely store and share digital copies of valuable identity documents. In other words, people can organise their digital lives and enjoy customer experiences like they’re meant to.

Sphere Identity streamlines the customer onboarding process in a safe and compliant way while also giving individuals their privacy back.

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Aenesh Sengupta
Sphere Identity

Aenesh Angshu Sengupta is a Sales and Marketing analyst at Sphere Identity. He writes about various topics including technology, privacy and marketing.