Sphere Identity launches its onboarding solution

Sphere Identity
Sphere Identity
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2019

Sphere Identity is officially launched. A live demonstration of our two-part solution, the business platform and mobile application, was presented at the KNOW Identity Conference in Las Vegas on March 27, 2019. As a self-sovereign identity platform built for digital commerce, it is one of a kind.

Businesses can easily implement our single-click onboarding solution into their KYC processes. It streamlines the customer experience and serves as a practical alternative to online forms. As there’s no typing involved, clean, reliable data is delivered to the business’s system. Backed by distributed storage technologies, the platform also helps businesses navigate the Compliance and regulatory landscape, including the GDPR.

For consumers, our mobile application makes identity documents such as passports and driving licences readily accessible. It saves people the hassle of re-entering the same information multiple times and makes them the sole owners of their personal information.

Uncomplicate KYC processes, make sign-ups simple, and keep identity safe.

Katherine Noall, CEO, Sphere Identity — “Customer drop-offs, revenue loss, data harvesting, and security breaches have become characteristic of this digital age, for both businesses and consumers. In the wake of hacks, scandals, and regulatory responses, we’re seeing an increasing rejection of this reality, with more businesses looking for solutions that uncomplicate KYC processes, make sign-ups simple, and keep identity safe”.

Customers are conscious that their online identities are exposed and easily exploitable. They’re frustrated at having to enter the same details over and over again, and have growing concerns about how their information is used by third parties. By adopting digital identity procedures in e-commerce transactions, businesses can introduce trust and automation. This has spurred the growth of a distinct market for self-sovereign identity solutions.

22% of customers currently abandon the sign-up process due to the demanding nature of online forms. Sphere Identity combats drop-offs by providing consumers with a consolidated digital identity that can be easily accessed and applied as required.

Our platform is built with the principles of Privacy and Security by Design. Distributed storage technology ensures that customer data is distributed and fully encrypted, making it impossible for hackers to access a honeypot of identity data.

About Sphere Identity:

Sphere Identity is a global identity blockchain-based platform for businesses and individuals. Built with the principles of Privacy and Security by Design, the platform addresses the growing issues in identity security today. It equips businesses to onboard their customers accurately, in a timely and regulatory-compliant manner, while also giving users exclusive control over their data.

Sphere Identity has offices in New Zealand and Singapore, and is run by a diverse team of experts, skilled in digital identity and distributed technology.



Sphere Identity
Sphere Identity

A global digital identity solution that streamlines onboarding for businesses while also valuing each individual’s privacy and security.