Living With My Heart.

Making choices of change

Tim Sussmann
Sphere of Influence


Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash

That sensitive creature inside needs to be nurtured and protected. Ever wonder why there is a fortress-like wall of ribs surrounding it and keeping it safe?

I made a hard decision today, one that is kinda not like me. I chose responsibility over adventure. I had the opportunity to help some friends sail a boat home. They were willing to help me with costs, and I would have been able to learn from a great sailer.

This is a rule I usually live by, if someone offers to fly you somewhere, you take them up on it. But, strangely enough, my heart wasn't in it. I mulled over the idea and felt I was truly on a fence. My heart was feeling stressed and unsure, but my mind was like, “yeah Tim do it, it will be a great experience, people dream about doing stuff like this”.

I’ve seen this call of the heart too many times to push it away. But it rarely gets easier.

I chatted back and forth with these friends for some time, my mind was on board. My mind could see only positives, it is an optimist. My heart, however, has learned from my eager mind, my heart needs more protection.

The closer I came to buying the plane ticket, the more my heart screamed.

I felt stress, I felt anxious, I felt unmotivated.



Tim Sussmann
Sphere of Influence

Traveler, Ponderer, Wannabe Writer. Hoping to expand my sphere of influence, and be influenced by a greater sphere. @timm_suss_mann