Accessing Digital Product Passports with Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)

Dr. Susanne Guth-Orlowski
Published in
13 min readFeb 21, 2022


How DIDs can serve as a single point of truth for the digital twins of products.

Product information of tomorrow will be digital, i.e. every product will have a digital twin. The first regulation that is mandating digital product information in the form of a digital product passport is the “new battery regulation”. Those digital product passports need to be easily accessible and their information needs to be verifiable, as it may come from untrustworthy sources from all over the world.

Verifiable credentials are digital, verifiable attestations which can be used to capture such product information. They are always related to an identifier, in most cases to a decentralised identifier. This article explains what requirements a product identifier has, how decentralized identifiers can be used as the future unique identifier for products, what benefits this brings, what work needs to be done to get there and what projects already use decentralised identifierts today.

Products, preproducts and services world wide need a unified identifier (Photo by Bernard Hermant)

A. Requirements for digital product identifiers

Finding the right identifier for digital products is not an easy task, therefore let’s start with the requirements, which have been collected from…



Dr. Susanne Guth-Orlowski

Susanne is an expert for circular economy, digital product passport, DLT, decentralised identities, SaaS and a swimmer, mother, and musician that loves writing.