The Future of the Resilient Industrial Internet enabled by modern identity, trust, and data space technologies

Transforming the Industrial Internet with the Unique Strengths of Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and Energy data-X

Carsten Stöcker
9 min readNov 30, 2023


This article describes the industry-focused initiatives Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and energy data-X, highlighting their role in shaping the future of digital industry ecosystems. It explores the essential concepts of identity and trust in modern data spaces, emphasizing their significance in ensuring security, compliance, and operational efficiency. Simply put, these concepts establish a secure and resilient data-sharing infrastructure for the Industrial Internet.

We explain the unexpected journey of a car battery, from its creation to powering our world, unraveling how systems like Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and energy data-X link up and act in concert to shape a smarter, safer, and more innovative future.

The article outlines the synergistic relationship between these projects and Spherity’s commitment to the broader Catena-X ecosystem. It showcases our position and expertise in driving these value-creating solutions, demonstrating their positive impact on businesses and government bodies worldwide. We conclude with the case for industry enterprises and governments to engage with these groundbreaking EU-led initiatives, recognizing their unprecedented global significance.

The Need for Identity and Trust in Modern Data Spaces

In the evolving landscape of modern data spaces, the concepts of identity and trust emerge as a new enabling technology to foster a dynamic digital economy where businesses can quickly adapt to market changes, seamlessly engage with previously unknown supply chain actors, and deliver solutions that meet evolving consumer and industry needs. Identity in this context is about accurately verifying the entities within a digital ecosystem, ensuring that users, devices, or systems are authentic and reliable. Trust, then, is built upon this foundation of verified identity, underpinning the security and integrity of data transactions across these digital platforms.

These concepts are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Security: In data spaces, where vast volumes of data are exchanged, the verification of identity is key to preventing unauthorized access and mitigating data breaches. Trust in these identities ensures that data is not only shared but used in a manner that maintains security protocols and safeguards sensitive information.
  2. Compliance: For industries operating under stringent regulatory frameworks, such as healthcare or finance, adhering to identity and trust protocols is not just a matter of best practice but a legal necessity. These mechanisms play a critical role in maintaining data privacy and in the protection of sensitive information, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  3. Efficiency: Robust identity and trust mechanisms streamline operational processes. By eliminating the need for repetitive verifications and checks, they make data exchange processes more efficient and reliable, fostering a more fluid and dynamic digital ecosystem.
  4. New Digital Business Models: Identity and trust mechanisms are catalysts for innovative digital business models. They provide an enabling service for developing new solutions and products that leverage data-driven insights and risk scoring of data (aka Know Your Data, KYD). Businesses can explore novel ways of engaging with customers, personalizing experiences, and creating value-added services.

For entities like the German Government and the European Union, these concepts are central to their digital strategies. Ensuring robust frameworks for identity and trust is essential to these strategies, as it allows for secure, seamless sharing of data across borders and industries. This aligns with European ambitions of data sovereignty and protection, ensuring that data spaces function not only efficiently but also ethically.

Moreover, data spaces, identity, and trust are seen as critical ecosystem technologies, necessitating extensive collaboration across various business domains. This is essential for enabling industry sector coupling (e.g. energy and mobility, manufacturing and quality infrastructure, manufacturing and customs) and facilitating cross-domain use cases that extend beyond single industry verticals. Such interconnectivity across domains underscores the need for solutions that are interoperable and capable of spanning multiple sectors.

This cross-domain nature of modern data spaces often requires solutions that transcend national boundaries, making identity standards in a multipolar world and “internationalization” a top priority. Projects such as Catena-X have recognized this necessity and are actively expanding their reach and applicability across different jurisdictions. A notable example is the Catena-X World Tour, which includes activities in countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and the USA. This international cooperation underlines the global relevance and application of these technologies, emphasizing the importance of developing adaptable solutions that comply with various international standards and regulations.

In this context, our company Spherity is making significant contributions. We are demonstrating a strong commitment to delivering reliable, bespoke solutions designed to meet the specific needs of businesses operating in regulated industries. By collaborating closely with ecosystem actors, Spherity offers comprehensive solutions that go beyond technology. Our services encompass legacy system integration, business use case value realization, responsible sourcing certificate issuer integration, and trust framework implementation. A prime example of our expertise in action is our partnership with RCS Global for the Battery Passport.

Overview of Lighthouse Projects: Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and Energy data-X

The lighthouse projects Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and Energy data-X represent groundbreaking initiatives in their respective fields, each carrying significant implications for businesses through innovative use cases.

Catena-X is transforming the automotive industry by establishing an interconnected data ecosystem. An example is the enhanced tracking and management of automotive parts across the supply chain, significantly improving operational efficiency and transparency. At Spherity we focus on digital product passports and battery passports in the Catena-X ecosystem.

Manufacturing-X, still in the tendering process, promises to revolutionize the manufacturing sector and to finally implement Industry 4.0 concepts. Imagine a scenario where supply chain management is fully automated using artificial intelligence and real-time data, leading to heightened efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Energy data-X focuses on the energy sector with the objective of facilitating sustainable energy usage. A notable use case is the integration of renewable energy sources with traditional power grids. This not only optimizes energy distribution but also contributes significantly to energy conservation and sustainable practices, echoing the growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions in the energy sector.

The German Government has a vested interest in the Gaia-X initiative as it represents a strategic commitment to establishing a sovereign and interconnected data infrastructure that aligns with European values of data privacy and security. This infrastructure seeks to reinforce Germany’s and Europe’s autonomy in the digital space.

Gaia-X-related projects supported by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The visual illustrates the Gaia-X-related projects supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), highlighting the data ecosystem comprising Manufacturing-X, Catena-X, and energy data-X as key components. These projects, along with Gaia-X Federation Services, the IPCEI on Industrial Cloud, and the Sovereign Cloud Stack, form an integrated infrastructure ecosystem. This ecosystem is crucial for enabling secure, compliant, and federated data exchange, enhancing the competitiveness of German and European industries in the global digital economy.

The projects Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and energy data-X work together. They each do different things but help build one big digital system. Catena-X helps cars, Manufacturing-X helps factories, and energy data-X helps with power and green energy. When they share data, everything works better. This helps businesses grow and keeps Europe’s digital space safe and strong.

In these industry ecosystems, identity and trust are based on common tools and technology. This includes:

  • Identity wallets: They keep digital IDs safe and make sure everyone is who they say they are.
  • Trust frameworks: These are rules that help everyone trust each other’s identities and the data they share.
  • Authorization Chains & Policy Engines: These decide who is allowed to use services and see data in the data space ecosystem.
  • Provenance chains: They track where things and data come from. This helps with tracing things back to their origin.
  • Digital product passports: These give all the details about a product’s journey and its data.
  • Cyber-security and compliance automation: This makes checking for risks and following rules faster and without mistakes.

Spherity’s work across Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and energy data-X exemplifies our role in facilitating a cohesive digital ecosystem. Our expertise in identity and trust mechanisms enables seamless interactions among these projects, enhancing data integrity and compliance. For businesses and governments, Spherity’s involvement offers a unified approach to managing digital identities and ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

Spherity has marked significant achievements in implementing this ecosystem technology into operations, particularly with our CARO solution in the US Pharma Supply Chain. These successes highlight our ability to not only develop technology but to integrate it effectively, fulfilling complex industry requirements and delivering real-world value for our customers.

From Manufacture to Grid: The Cross Data Space Story of a Battery

From its origin to its role in the energy grid, a battery’s story is a comprehensive journey woven across multiple data spaces. It begins with a Catena-X compliant passport issued by an Asian manufacturer, which then integrates into both, the European OEM’s Manufacturing-X system and the energy data-X data space.

This cross-domain use case encapsulates the seamless interaction of data spaces, highlighting the integration and compliance across international and sector-specific boundaries. For instance, a global Asian battery manufacturer issues a Catena-X-compliant battery passport, which then becomes a part of the European OEM’s manufacturing process. This integration respects the Asian country’s legal data localization requirements, with a data officer authorizing battery passport data publication in the Catena-X network for customs and authority reporting, ensuring market access and minimal data sharing practices.

The battery passport, in this cross-domain vision, contains diverse data crucial for compliance and integration into global supply chains. It includes:

  • Manufacturer certificates validate compliance with labor, environmental, and industry standards.
  • Aggregated Supplier due diligence scoring information demonstrating adherence to labor and human rights laws.
  • Product or batch information, including manufacturing dates.
  • Product master data, battery properties, and serialized product identifiers for tracking and authentication.
  • The battery’s country of origin.
  • Quality data, safety data sheets, and records of raw materials used.

After the battery passport is issued, it’s woven into the Manufacturing-X data space used by the European OEM. This process combines the battery data with other essential components, creating a cohesive digital vehicle profile. This profile includes an account of the battery’s journey, its integration into the vehicle, and specific configurations, all linked with the car’s battery management and telematic systems.

The OEM’s data space also taps into Manufacturing-X’s quality framework, featuring audit labs and digital calibration records, ensuring rigorous quality and conformance checks from component delivery to final car assembly. Each vehicle is assigned a digital car pass, chronicling its lifecycle, from its ‘birth certificate’ to end-of-life instructions, alongside essential product data, environmental certifications, and safety records, all anchored to the car’s unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

The journey doesn’t end there. This same battery and its battery passport, now part of a car identified by its VIN, enters the energy data-X domain, where its telematics and battery management data are crucial for grid stability. As batteries represent assets that can stabilize the power grid, their economic value is maximized when aggregated into a virtual battery, inclusive of data on capacity, charging behavior, and location of a vehicle fleet. This aggregation, underpinned by privacy-enhancing technologies (PET), prevents individual tracking, offering grid operators a comprehensive view to forecast charging demands and optimize load shifting or bi-directional charging strategies. Thus, the battery’s journey from a passport in a manufacturer’s database to a pivotal element in a smart energy grid encapsulates the essence of cross-domain data utility, all while upholding privacy and compliance requirements.

Getting into data space tech early, especially with things like virtual batteries, gives companies a big head start. They can create new ways to make money by using data smarter. For example, businesses that provide the data infrastructure for virtual batteries can manage power better, save costs, and even sell energy services. This is a big chance for these companies to lead the market and show new ways to do business. Being first in this space means setting the rules and leading the way.


The convergence of Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and energy data-X represents a pioneering movement in shaping global digital ecosystems. No alternative worldwide matches the comprehensive nature and scale of these EU-led initiatives.

The journey of a battery across various data spaces exemplifies the power of digital ecosystems, merging compliance with innovation to redefine the energy landscape and establish new benchmarks for global manufacturing and energy management.

This unique position has garnered attention from industry leaders across the EU, North America, Asia, and beyond, mirroring the global interest in the EU’s digital identity innovations like the EUDI wallet. As governments and businesses worldwide observe these developments, the absence of comparable global initiatives underscores a clear message: “There is no other game in town.” This makes participation in these projects not just an option but a strategic imperative for forward-thinking enterprises.

Aiming to align with these cutting-edge initiatives? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s prepare you for the future of digital ecosystems.

About Spherity

Spherity is a German decentralized digital identity software provider, bringing secure identities to enterprises, machines, products, data, and even algorithms. Spherity provides the enabling technology to digitalize and automate compliance processes in highly-regulated technical sectors. Spherity’s products for enterprise wallets and object identity empower cyber security, efficiency, and data interoperability among digital value chain actors.

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Carsten Stöcker

Founder of Spherity GmbH. Decentralised identity, digital twinning & cloud agents for 4th industrial revolution | born 329.43 ppm