Sphero Edu
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2018

Do it yourself Thursday LearnDay!

Here at Sphero Edu we’re all about the community, and we certainly wouldn’t be where we are without our fans. We know that some of the most inspiring program ideas come from users just like you, and now we want to you to showcase them in the most fun way possible. It’s your turn to be a #ThursdayLearnDay star! With #DIY ThursdayLearnDay, you can share the limelight and put your program out there for the world to see.

#DIY #ThursdayLearnDay

If we select your video to be featured in an upcoming #ThursdayLearnDay, we’ll need to create an edit for our specs and add some Sphero branding, while still keeping it unique to you and focused on your creativity. Don’t worry… we’ll make sure to send it to you for review before publishing.

Check out the necessary steps for submitting your videos, plus some additional tips and tricks for, you know, quality control.

Required Steps:

  1. Make a new program using draw, blocks, or text coding in the Sphero Edu app and create a video to give a detailed description as to what your program is and how it works.
  2. If you only have one device to record with AND showcase your program, tap the upper right hand dots in the program screen to enable camera mode. Hit record, run your program and start narrating your description. Upload the video to your program by tapping the upload button.
  3. Submit the program to Sphero Edu by going to program detail page. Tap the the 3 dots in the upper right corner, tap edit program, hit the public toggle, give it a great name, and INCLUDE the hashtag #DIY. Tap done and you’re all set!

*You can view all these steps in the video above

Extra Credit:

Get weird with it! If you’ve seen our videos, you know we do. Feel free to include costumes, props, bloopers, extras, and all the fun things. It’s the #ThursdayLearnDay way.

Keep in Mind:

• To get a high quality video, record on a device such as a video camera or iPhone.
• Try to use a tripod for stability or recruit a friend to hold the camera.
• Be sure to speak clearly and closely into the microphone for good sound.
• Make sure there’s enough light! We want to see you!
• Cut down on background noise.
• Craft services are always a plus. Everyone loves snacks…
• Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Happy filming, friends!

