Rule the School

Sphero Edu
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017


A Song of Robots and Learning

“School is coming…”

Lord SPRK rules on the Pencil Throne.

Students know it to be true. Teachers even more so. The long summer is coming to an end and school is coming. What better way to celebrate than a not-so-subtle nod to a certain premium cable television saga that has no name (for legal reasons). We want our teachers pumped for the future, so get prepared to rule the school.

The year is long and full of lessons… so why not have fun with it? Sphero Edu is here to take your curriculum beyond (the wall) code. Use SPRK+ to outline triangles for “House Math”, or paint banners for “House Art”. STEAM activities with Sphero robots are always a crowd pleaser, or as some say, the best day of school. We swear by the old bots, and the new.

Need to get some new steel, er, robots? When you play the game of deals, you miss or you buy… so don’t miss the “Dragon Bundle”. Buy a SPRK+ and get a Red Turbo Cover for free.

Think you know nothing? That’s all the more reason to learn. Find out more of what Sphero Edu is all about here.

Remember. “Valar Morschoolus” — All summers must end. #SchoolisComing

— Blog written by “No One”

“Valar Morschoolus” — All summers must end.
The King’s nameday tournament is underway. Prepare your chariots.

