GPU vs LPU: Choosing the Best for AI Workloads

Spheron Staff
Published in
10 min readMay 25, 2024

As generative AI models grow, reaching billions or even trillions of parameters, traditional CPUs are no longer sufficient, and specialized hardware is required. While Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been the dominant solution for accelerating AI workloads, a new type of processor has emerged: the Language Processing Unit (LPU).

GPUs, such as NVIDIA’s AI-optimized Hopper series, are known for their parallel processing capabilities, which make them well-suited for certain AI tasks. However, LPUs, like those developed by Groq, are designed specifically to handle the sequential nature of natural language processing (NLP) tasks, a fundamental component of building AI applications. In this context, we’ll explore the key differences between GPUs and LPUs for deep learning workloads, examining their architectures, strengths, and performance characteristics.

To begin, let’s take a look at the GPU architecture.

Architecture of a GPU

At the heart of GPUs lie compute units, also known as execution units. These compute units comprise several smaller processing elements called stream processors or CUDA cores (in NVIDIA’s terminology). In addition to these processing elements, compute units also contain shared memory and control logic.

Certain GPU architectures, particularly those designed for graphics rendering, may incorporate additional components such as Raster Engines and Texture Processing Clusters (TPCs).

A compute unit is essentially a collection of multiple processing units that can manage and execute numerous threads simultaneously. It has its own set of registers, shared memory, and scheduling units. Each compute unit operates its processing units in parallel, coordinating their work to efficiently handle complex tasks. The individual processing units within a compute unit perform basic arithmetic and logical operations by executing individual instructions.

Source:Research Paper Processing Units and Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

Each processing unit within a compute unit is designed to execute a specific set of instructions defined by the GPU’s Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The ISA determines the types of operations (such as arithmetic, logical, etc.) that a processing unit can perform, as well as the format and encoding of these instructions.

The ISA acts as an interface between the software (e.g., CUDA or OpenCL code) and the hardware (processing units). When a program is compiled or interpreted for a GPU, it is translated into a series of instructions that conform to the GPU’s specific ISA. The processing units then execute these instructions, ultimately performing the desired computations.

Different GPU architectures may have different ISAs, affecting their performance and capabilities for specific workloads. Some GPUs offer specialized ISAs for particular tasks, such as graphics rendering or machine learning, to optimize performance for those use cases.

While processing units handle general-purpose computations, many GPUs incorporate specialized units to further accelerate specific workloads. For instance, Double-Precision Units (DPUs) handle high-precision floating-point calculations for scientific computing applications, while Tensor Cores (NVIDIA) or Matrix Cores (AMD) are specifically designed for accelerated matrix multiplications and are now components of the compute units.

GPUs utilize a multi-tiered memory hierarchy to balance speed and capacity. Closest to the processing core are small on-chip registers for temporarily storing frequently accessed data and instructions. These register files offer the fastest access times but have limited capacity.

Next in the hierarchy is Shared Memory, a fast, low-latency memory space that can be shared among processing units within a compute unit cluster. Shared Memory facilitates data exchange during computations, improving performance for tasks that benefit from data reuse within a thread block.

Global Memory is the primary storage for extensive datasets and program instructions that exceed the capacity of on-chip memories. While it provides significantly more space than registers or shared memory, it has slower access speeds.

Source: Gao, Medium

Communication Networks within GPUs

For optimal GPU performance, efficient data transfer between processing units, memory, and other components is crucial. To achieve this, GPUs employ various interconnect technologies and topologies:

High-bandwidth Interconnects:

  1. Bus-based Interconnects: These provide a shared pathway for data transfer between components. While simple to implement, they can become bottlenecks when multiple components compete for bus access under heavy traffic.
  2. Network-on-Chip (NoC) Interconnects: Some high-performance GPUs utilize NoC interconnects, consisting of interconnected routers that route data packets between components. NoCs offer higher bandwidth and lower latency compared to traditional bus-based systems, providing a more scalable and flexible solution.
  3. Point-to-Point (P2P) Interconnects: These enable direct communication between specific components, such as a processing unit and a memory bank. P2P links can significantly reduce latency for critical data exchanges by eliminating the need to share a common bus.

Interconnect Topologies:

  1. Crossbar Switch: This topology allows any compute unit to communicate with any memory module, offering flexibility. However, it can become a bottleneck when multiple compute units need to access the same memory module simultaneously.
  2. Mesh Network: In this topology, each compute unit is connected to its neighbors in a grid-like structure. This reduces contention and allows for more efficient data transfer, particularly for localized communication patterns.
  3. Ring Bus: Here, compute units, and memory modules are connected circularly, with data flowing in one direction. While not as efficient for broadcasting as other topologies, it can benefit certain communication patterns by reducing contention compared to a traditional bus.

In addition to the interconnects within the GPU chip, GPUs must communicate with the host system, including the CPU and main memory. This communication typically occurs through a PCI Express (PCIe) bus, a high-speed interface that facilitates data transfer between the GPU and the rest of the system.

GPUs employ different interconnect technologies and topologies to optimize data flow and communication among various components, enabling high performance across various workloads.

To maximize the utilization of its processing resources, the GPU employs two key techniques: multi-threading and pipelining. GPUs commonly use Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT), which allows a single compute unit to execute multiple threads from the same or different programs simultaneously, improving resource usage, even when tasks have inherent serial aspects.

GPUs support two forms of parallelism: thread-level parallelism (TLP) and data-level parallelism (DLP). TLP involves executing multiple threads concurrently, usually implemented using a Single Instruction, Multiple Threads (SIMT) model. DLP, on the other hand, processes multiple data elements within a single thread using vector instructions.

Pipelining further enhances efficiency by breaking down complex tasks into smaller stages. These stages can then be processed concurrently on different processing units within a compute unit, reducing overall latency. GPUs often employ a deeply pipelined architecture, where instructions are divided into many small stages. Pipelining is implemented not only within the processing units themselves but also in memory access and interconnects.

The combination of numerous streaming processors, specialized units for specific workloads, a multi-tiered memory hierarchy, and efficient interconnects allows GPUs to handle massive amounts of data concurrently.

Architecture of an LPU

LPUs, or Language Processing Units, are an emerging technology designed specifically to handle the computational demands of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads. Groq, a pioneering company in this field, has demonstrated the remarkable power of LPUs.

Our discussion will focus on Groq’s LPU, which incorporates a Tensor Streaming Processor (TSP) architecture. This architecture is optimized for sequential processing, aligning perfectly with the inherent nature of NLP workloads. Unlike GPUs, which may encounter challenges with the irregular memory access patterns typical of NLP tasks, the TSP excels at handling the sequential flow of data, enabling faster and more efficient processing of language models.

Source: Underlying Architecture of Groq’s LPU

The LPU’s architecture addresses two critical bottlenecks that often arise in large-scale NLP models: computational density and memory bandwidth. By carefully managing computational resources and optimizing memory access patterns, the LPU ensures an effective balance between processing power and data availability, resulting in significant performance improvements for NLP tasks.

The LPU excels in inference tasks, where pre-trained language models are employed to analyze and generate text. Its efficient data handling mechanisms and low-latency design make it ideally suited for real-time applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation services. The LPU incorporates specialized hardware components designed to accelerate critical operations, such as attention mechanisms, which are essential for understanding context and relationships within textual data.

Software Stack:

Groq offers a comprehensive software stack that serves as a bridge between the LPU’s specialized hardware and NLP software. This software stack includes a dedicated compiler that optimizes and translates NLP models and code to run efficiently on the LPU architecture. The compiler supports popular NLP frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, allowing developers to leverage their existing workflows and expertise without the need for major modifications.

Additionally, the LPU’s runtime environment is crucial in managing memory allocation, thread scheduling, and resource utilization during execution. It also provides application programming interfaces (APIs) enabling developers to interact directly with the LPU hardware. These APIs facilitate customization and seamless integration of the LPU into various NLP applications.

Memory Hierarchy:

Efficient memory management is crucial for high-performance NLP processing. The Groq LPU employs a multi-tiered memory hierarchy to ensure data is readily available at various stages of computation. Closest to the processing units are scalar and vector registers, providing fast, on-chip storage for frequently accessed data like intermediate results and model parameters.

The LPU uses a larger and slower Level 2 (L2) cache for less frequently accessed data. This cache is an intermediary between the registers and the main memory, reducing the need to fetch data from the slower main memory.

Source: Underlying Architecture of Groq’s LPU

The primary storage for bulk data in the LPU architecture is the main memory, which stores pre-trained models and input and output data. Within the main memory, there is a dedicated allocation for model storage, ensuring efficient access to the parameters of pre-trained models, which can be extremely large in size.

Moreover, the LPU incorporates high-bandwidth on-chip SRAM (Static Random Access Memory), reducing the reliance on slower external memory. This design choice minimizes latency and maximizes throughput, which is particularly advantageous for tasks that involve processing large volumes of data, such as language modeling.

Interconnect Technologies:

The Groq LPU employs a combination of interconnect technologies to enable efficient communication between processing units and memory. Bus-based interconnects handle general communication tasks, while Network-on-Chip (NoC) interconnects provide high-bandwidth, low-latency communication for more demanding data exchanges. Additionally, Point-to-Point (P2P) interconnects facilitate direct communication between specific units, further minimizing latency for critical data transfers.

Performance Optimization:

To maximize the utilization of processing resources, the LPU employs multi-threading and pipelining techniques. The architecture incorporates Neural Network Processing Clusters (NNPCs), which are groups of processing units, memory, and interconnects specifically designed for NLP workloads. Each NNPC is capable of executing multiple threads concurrently, significantly improving throughput and enabling thread- and data-level parallelism.

Furthermore, the LPU leverages pipelining to enhance efficiency. Complex tasks are broken down into smaller stages, allowing different processing units to work on different stages simultaneously. This approach reduces overall latency and ensures a continuous flow of data through the LPU architecture.

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Performance Comparison

Groq’s LPUs and traditional GPUs are designed for distinct use cases and applications, reflecting their specialized architectures and capabilities. Groq’s LPUs are purpose-built as inference engines for NLP algorithms, making it challenging to conduct an apples-to-apples comparison using the same benchmarks.

However, Groq’s LPUs demonstrate a remarkable ability to accelerate the inference process for AI models, outperforming any GPU currently available on the market. These LPUs can generate up to five hundred inference tokens per second, a staggering rate that would enable writing an entire novel in just a matter of minutes.

GPUs are not solely designed for inference tasks; instead, they are versatile accelerators that can be utilized throughout the entire AI lifecycle, encompassing inference, training, and deployment of various AI models. With specialized cores like Tensor Cores optimized for AI development, GPUs can effectively handle the training of AI models. Additionally, GPUs find applications in domains such as data analytics, image recognition, and scientific simulations.

While both GPUs and LPUs can handle large datasets, LPUs can contain more data, which accelerates the inference process. The architecture of Groq’s LPU, designed with high-bandwidth, low-latency communication, and efficient data handling mechanisms, ensures that NLP applications run smoothly and efficiently, providing a superior user experience.

Beyond AI applications, GPUs excel at accelerating a wide range of tasks involving large datasets and parallel computations. This makes them valuable tools in domains such as data analytics, scientific simulations, and image recognition, where general-purpose parallel processing capabilities are crucial.

Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

GPUs are the preferred choice when your workload involves heavily parallel computations and requires high computational throughput across a diverse range of tasks. Investing in GPUs would be the most suitable hardware option if you are working on the entire AI pipeline, from development through deployment.

However, if your focus is primarily on NLP applications, especially those involving large language models and inference tasks, the specialized architecture and optimizations of LPUs can offer significant advantages. These include superior performance, increased efficiency, and potentially lower costs. The LPU’s architecture is specifically tailored to handle the unique computational demands of NLP workloads, making it an attractive choice for applications in this domain.

Originally published at on May 25, 2024.

