On-Premise vs Cloud GPUs: Which Option is Superior?

Spheron Staff
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2024

The debate between investing in on-premise hardware versus utilizing cloud GPUs is increasingly relevant. While the appeal of owning and running your own hardware is strong, Cloud GPUs are highly in demand due to their numerous advantages, especially for AI, machine learning, and complex data analyses. Two prominent options emerge for such applications: investing in on-premise Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or utilizing cloud GPU solutions.

Both options are accessible and have unique advantages. The decision hinges on various factors, including specific computational demands, budgetary considerations, and the individual or organization’s long-term strategic objectives.

On-premise GPUs vs. Cloud GPUs

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have evolved significantly since their inception as specialized hardware for rendering computer graphics. In the last decade, they have become versatile co-processors capable of performing complex parallel computations in industries like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics. Businesses require high-performance computing, and GPUs are adept at handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

However, cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses access and use computing resources. Cloud services offer on-demand access to vast virtualized resources, including GPUs, without needing upfront capital investments in costly hardware. Their flexibility and scalability attract users, allowing them to adjust resources based on workload demands.

Pros of Using On-Premise GPUs

GPUs are specialized electronic circuits designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images for output to a display device. They are highly efficient at manipulating computer graphics and are more effective than general-purpose CPUs for algorithms where large data blocks are processed in parallel.

Owning a GPU comes with several benefits:

  • Control: When you own a GPU, you have complete control over your hardware. You decide how and when to use it without worrying about availability or fluctuating prices.
  • Consistency: A powerful GPU can deliver unparalleled performance for high-end gaming, 3D rendering, and machine learning applications. These tasks often involve processing large volumes of data simultaneously, something GPUs are explicitly designed to handle. Owning a cutting-edge GPU means predictable and uninterrupted access to compute resources.
  • Cost-effectiveness: If you consistently require high computing performance, investing in a GPU could be more cost-effective in the long run. Unlike cloud GPUs, typically offered on a pay-as-you-go model, it’s a one-time expense.
  • Data Security: For industries dealing with sensitive data, owning a GPU on-premise provides an added layer of security. Data breaches or exposure concerns are minimized as access to the GPU is restricted within the organization’s infrastructure.
  • Low Latency: On-premise GPUs eliminate the potential for network latency experienced in cloud computing. This is critical for real-time applications and sensitive computations requiring immediate responses.
  • Tailored Infrastructure: Businesses with specific hardware requirements can customize their on-premise infrastructure to meet their needs precisely. This approach can lead to enhanced performance and optimized workloads.

Pros of Cloud Services

Cloud services, such as those provided by Spheron Network, offer access to high-performance computing power over the Internet, eliminating the need for significant hardware investment.

Here are some advantages of using cloud services:

  • Scalability: Cloud services offer immense scalability. You can scale up or down based on your current needs, ensuring you only pay for what you use.
  • Maintenance-Free: Cloud services mean you don’t have to worry about hardware maintenance or upgrades. The service provider takes care of these, allowing you to focus on your core tasks.
  • Accessibility: With cloud services, you can access your data and applications anytime. All you need is an internet connection.
  • Latest Technology: Cloud service providers continually update their platforms with the latest technologies, ensuring that users can always access the most advanced tools and features.
  • Global Accessibility: Cloud computing enables teams to collaborate and access resources from anywhere in the world, fostering remote work and global partnerships.

How to Choose Between Owning Infrastructure vs Cloud GPUs

Choosing the right path depends on several key factors:

  • Workload Characteristics: Analyze your data processing tasks. On-premise GPUs might be a good fit if they heavily leverage parallelizable algorithms. However, cloud resources offer greater flexibility for unpredictable workloads or those requiring frequent scaling.
  • Budget: On-premise GPUs involve significant upfront investment, while cloud services offer a pay-as-you-go model. Evaluate the total cost of ownership for both options over your projected usage period.
  • Scalability Needs: Do your processing requirements fluctuate significantly? If so, the cloud’s on-demand scalability is a compelling advantage. On-premise GPUs require hardware upgrades for scaling.
  • Technical Expertise: Managing on-premise GPU infrastructure demands in-house expertise. Cloud services handle the infrastructure, making them easier to integrate for teams lacking dedicated hardware support staff.

The Hybrid Approach: A Middle Ground

Interestingly, a hybrid approach combining the use of owned GPUs with cloud services is gaining traction. Many businesses use owned GPUs for regular workloads and cloud services to handle spikes in demand or temporary projects. This approach offers the best of both worlds: the control and performance of owning a GPU and the flexibility and scalability of cloud services.

Adopting a hybrid approach allows users to keep specific workloads on-premise while leveraging cloud GPUs for others. This approach offers the flexibility to choose the best-suited infrastructure for each task based on its requirements.

For instance, businesses can maintain sensitive data and critical operations on-premise for maximum control and security while using cloud services for less sensitive tasks or sudden spikes in demand. This hybrid model provides a cost-effective solution that capitalizes on both options’ strengths while mitigating their weaknesses.


Buying a GPU or using cloud services is complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Businesses must evaluate their specific needs, budget, and long-term goals to make an informed choice. The right path depends on workload characteristics, budgetary constraints, scalability needs, and technical expertise. Often, a hybrid approach offers a balanced solution that leverages the strengths of both on-premise and cloud GPU options.

Originally published at https://blog.spheron.network on May 30, 2024.

