Renting vs. Buying: What’s Best for Your GPU Deep Learning Needs?

Spheron Staff
Published in
7 min readMay 23, 2024

Deep learning (DL), a crucial branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has significantly impacted various domains, including natural language processing and computer vision. DL models demand substantial hardware resources for efficient computation, particularly when training extensive models on vast datasets. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) play a vital role in training these models due to their ability to perform parallel processing. However, researchers and organizations face a critical decision: invest in a dedicated GPU server or rent cloud-based GPU computing resources for running complex DL algorithms.

In this context, we will evaluate the cost implications by comparing the financial and operational costs associated with dedicated GPU servers versus the costs involved in utilizing GPU-based cloud computing services.

Identifying Your Deep Learning Needs

Before embarking on a cost comparison, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your project’s specific requirements. Firstly, consider the complexities of the models, which can range from lightweight to highly intricate. Similarly, assess the dataset size, which could be relatively small or exceptionally large in volume.

Furthermore, the frequency of training sessions can vary from sporadic occurrences to frequent iterations. These factors influence the type and capacity of GPUs needed and play a pivotal role in determining the overall project’s budget. In the following sections, we compare the costs associated with dedicated on-premises solutions versus cloud computing services across three key categories:

1. Initial Investment and Ongoing Costs

On-Premise Server:

  • Hardware: Deploying powerful GPU servers for deep learning tasks can be expensive. High-end systems like the DGX A100 ($200,000 approx.), which includes substantial CPU, memory, and storage resources, can cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • Infrastructure: Additional costs arise from setting up adequate cooling systems, dedicated electrical circuits, and other necessary infrastructure to support the high-performance GPU hardware, potentially adding thousands to the initial investment.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance, including hardware cleaning, refreshes, software updates, and ongoing IT expertise, is required, contributing to the total cost of ownership over the server’s lifespan.

Cloud Computing: Technical Considerations

  • Virtualization: Cloud providers commonly utilize server virtualization to maximize hardware efficiency, potentially impacting performance due to the “noisy neighbor” effect caused by resource contention from adjacent virtual machines. Understanding the provider’s virtualization technology and resource allocation management is crucial.
  • Networking: For data-intensive tasks like training deep learning models, the speed and reliability of internet connections are critical factors that can significantly impact efficiency and effectiveness. High-bandwidth internet connections or dedicated lines may be necessary to mitigate potential bottlenecks caused by slow data transfer rates, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Careful planning regarding network infrastructure is essential when deploying cloud-based AI and data analytics systems, particularly for applications requiring real-time processing or large-scale data analysis..

2. Scalability and Flexibility

On-Premise Server:

  • Scaling Up: Expanding the capacity of on-premise hardware servers can be complex and costly. It requires careful planning, hardware compatibility assessments, system integration, configuration, and extensive testing to ensure seamless integration without disrupting existing operations.
  • Scaling Down: Downsizing or decommissioning unused server hardware can become a financial burden. Hardware components typically depreciate over time, and the resale market for used IT equipment can be volatile, often resulting in a substantial loss compared to the original purchase price. Additionally, the process of decommissioning, preparing, and selling used hardware incurs logistical costs, labor expenses, and potential environmental considerations for proper disposal or recycling.
  • Limited Resource Pool: On-premise servers have a fixed hardware configuration, restricting the types of deep learning projects they can handle effectively. Expanding capabilities often necessitates a complete hardware overhaul, which can be costly and disruptive.

Cloud Computing:

  • Dynamic Scaling: Cloud computing allows users to dynamically adjust computing resources, such as GPUs, memory, and storage, based on their projects’ current needs. This feature ensures efficient resource utilization by scaling up during peak demands and scaling down during periods of low activity, optimizing costs and efficiency.
  • Elasticity: Cloud platforms provide access to vast resources, enabling users to handle larger or more complex computational tasks on demand. This elasticity is particularly beneficial for research and development projects with evolving requirements, eliminating the need for upfront investments in physical infrastructure.
  • Flexibility in Hardware: Cloud providers offer diverse hardware options, allowing users to select specific configurations tailored to their project’s requirements. This flexibility optimizes performance and cost by choosing hardware components best suited for the application, such as GPUs with high-bandwidth memory or specific CPUs, without being locked into a single configuration.

3. Performance and Efficiency

On-Premise Server:

  • Hardware Choice: Organizations have complete control over hardware selection, allowing them to choose specific GPUs, optimize memory bandwidth, and customize storage performance to maximize efficiency for particular deep learning tasks. This customization can lead to better-tailored highly efficient systems for specific operations.
  • Potential Obsolescence: However, the rapid advancements in GPU technology can quickly render an on-premise server outdated. Major GPU manufacturers frequently release new models with substantial improvements in processing power, energy efficiency, and enhanced AI-driven functionalities. Each new generation often brings considerable performance enhancements, making previous models less efficient or inadequate for cutting-edge applications.

Cloud Computing:

  • Cutting-Edge Hardware: Cloud providers often maintain the latest hardware configurations and frequently update their GPU offerings, ensuring that users can access the most advanced hardware without needing continuous personal investment in new technology. This can be particularly beneficial for deploying state-of-the-art deep learning models that require the latest computational capabilities.
  • Optimized Software Stacks: Many cloud providers optimize their environments with the latest versions of deep learning frameworks and libraries, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and cuDNN, designed to maximize the performance of the available hardware. This optimization offers enhanced efficiency and potentially reduces the time and effort required for configuration and maintenance.
  • Shared Resources: While cloud computing offers scalability and access to top-tier hardware, performance can fluctuate due to the shared nature of resources. Understanding the cloud provider’s resource allocation policies (dedicated vs. shared instances). Additionally, cost-saving options like spot instances might offer financial benefits, but they come with the risk of interruptions, which could impact long-running deep-learning tasks.

4. Security and Data Privacy

On-Premise Server:

  • Greater Control: When using on-premise servers, organizations have complete control over physical security measures and data access protocols. This level of control can be crucial for highly sensitive projects or those with strict regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Management Burden: However, maintaining robust security measures requires ongoing effort, including regular software patching, vulnerability management, and user access control. This can be a significant burden on an organization’s IT resources.

Cloud Computing:

  • Shared Responsibility Model: In cloud computing environments, security is a shared responsibility between providers and users. Cloud providers are responsible for securing their underlying infrastructure, while users are responsible for securing their data and configurations within the cloud environment.
  • Compliance Certifications: Many reputable cloud providers offer certifications relevant to specific industries, such as HIPAA for healthcare. These certifications provide peace of mind when handling sensitive data, demonstrating the provider’s commitment to meeting industry-specific security and privacy standards.
  • Potential Vendor Lock-in: While cloud computing offers many benefits, there are concerns about vendor lock-in. Migrating data and workloads between different cloud providers can be complex, potentially leading to organizations becoming overly dependent on a single vendor.

Choosing between a server and cloud computing for deep learning infrastructure depends on several key factors: budget, scalability, performance needs, and security concerns. For budget-conscious projects with limited upfront investment and variable resource requirements, cloud computing might be ideal.

On the other hand, a server could be preferable for projects needing full control over hardware and stringent security measures. For research projects with changing demands, the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing provide substantial benefits.

How does Spheron Compute Support Deep Learning Projects?

Spheron aims to support deep learning and AI projects by providing a decentralized compute network that allows users to access GPU resources efficiently and cost-effectively. Some key points about how Spheron supports deep learning projects:

  1. Decentralized GPU Resource Allocation: Spheron introduces a decentralized framework where independent providers can contribute their GPU resources to a shared pool. This decentralized GPU resource sharing helps overcome limitations in availability and access to GPUs needed for training deep learning models.
  2. Tiered GPU Providers: The network allows providers to specify the performance tier of their GPUs, from entry-level to ultra-high-end GPUs. This enables users to access the appropriate GPU power required for their deep learning tasks, whether it is basic model inferencing or training large language models.
  3. On-Demand Deployments: Users can initiate on-demand deployments specifying their compute and GPU requirements. The network’s matchmaking engine selects the optimal provider based on user criteria like GPU tier, pricing, region, etc. This allows flexibility in accessing GPU resources as per project needs.
  4. Cost Optimization: By decentralizing GPU supply, Spheron aims to reduce costs associated with accessing compute resources required for deep learning workloads compared to traditional cloud providers.
  5. Incentive Mechanisms: Providers earn rewards and compensation for contributing their GPU resources to the network, incentivizing an expansion of the overall GPU supply available for deep learning use cases.
  6. Future Integration of Smaller Devices: The whitepaper outlines plans to integrate underutilized GPU resources from smaller devices like personal computers, further increasing the pool of decentralized GPU power for deep learning.

So, in essence, Spheron’s decentralized architecture focused on GPU sharing, combined with on-demand deployments, cost optimizations, and incentive mechanisms, aims to make high-performance GPU computing more accessible and affordable for individuals and organizations working on deep learning and AI projects.

Originally published at on May 23, 2024.

