Fasting: A Hunger for God or Self?

Fasting for mental, physical and spiritual rejuvenation

Suyash Sachin Damir
SPIC MACAY NIT Trichy Chapter
4 min readMay 26, 2019



“It will be demanding, but the peace you get is tranquilizing”, assures Nosheen to her son Haamid, who is nervicited for his first ever Ramadan. “We fast”, she continued “ in order to develop a higher consciousness and a higher level of mindfulness of Allah — the creator, but fundamentally, it is practiced to foster self-discipline and self-restraint within us”.

It is the first time for Haamid, but people all around the world have been fasting over the years in the wake of spiritual and emotional rejuvenation. Fasting has been an ancient and highly venerated tradition across the globe. It has played a key role in most of the world’s major religions, being associated with penitence sometimes, and with self-restraint the other. People fast on various occasions throughout the year to attain the state of, what is commonly referred to as, “spiritual awakening”.

In India, fasting has been associated with spirituality for a long time and is celebrated with full zest all over the country. Hindus fast on various auspicious occasions such has Maha Shivaratri and Navratri; Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan; Buddhist do not eat after the noon meal till the next morning; and according to the Old Testament, Christians fast on special days that begin at sundown and is extended till desk next day.

The Science behind fasting practices in India:

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, one should mend their diets with seasons and detoxify at least once a year — eat seasonal food and eat it according to the body’s doshas.

Doshas are components that tell of the various properties of an individual’s body. Vata, pitta and kapha, the three doshas define a person’s link to the five fundamental elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. One is born with a certain proportion of these elements, which work together on mind and body. It is, therefore, necessary to maintain the “equilibrium’’ among the three to live a well-balanced life.

When seasons change, the human body experiences a variation in these elements and seeks a re-balance. This is why fasting is done; it helps the body to change the dynamics within and around.

In the name of religion and rituals, fasting helps people re-balance their bodies if practiced in the right fashion and with the right demeanour.

Fasting, essentially, is the state of abstinence of food for a considerable period time, and is ‘voluntarily’ practiced, in contrast to starvation, where one is unsure when will he or she receive the next meal. Therefore, fasting, and not starvation, is recommended for spiritual and physical fulfillment.

One particular type of fasting recently gaining a new vogue now days is Intermittent fasting. It has innumerable health benefits. Blood sugar comes under control, metabolism improves, aging delays and the defence mechanism of the bodies enhances considerably. The body furnishes more powerful antibodies, which in turn strengthens the body’s resistance against any foreign particles or infection.


In fact, fasting is considered to be a great practice for inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells and starving them to death.

“Cancer cells are present in everyone’s body”, remarks Dr. Sophia Lunt, world’s leading Cancer specialist. “Problem arises when these start accumulating and replicating―feeding on our body’s nutrition. These cells consume 27–28 times of food than the normal cells in the body. Spacing two meals in a day can significantly inhibit the growth of these cells. And that is where intermittent fasting plays a crucial role. It not only intoxicates the whole body but starves these cells to death, which substantially reduces the chances of Cancer in humans.”, she remarks.

The reasons to take fast might be y, but more and more youngsters in India are practicing fasting these days. Fasts help one align their mind and body, thus increasing attention. If done in moderation, it is good for both the mind and the body. Medical research proves that the habit of fasting prolongs life and keeps the body in good shape. While you practice yoga or even exercise to attain good health, fasting holds great significance in India both religiously and scientifically.

Caution: When concluding fasts, people tend to eat big meals. This is not recommended as the balance is something that should always be sought out for in a diet — be it fasting or otherwise.

Do check out some more amazing stuff on fasting:

Starving Cancer away

Intermittent Fasting



Suyash Sachin Damir
SPIC MACAY NIT Trichy Chapter

“ Life-long learner and a passionate maverick. I believe success is becoming the best version of yourself and hence, keep working towards it ;)”