First Blog Post: Introduction

Joseph Patterson
Spice Up Your Time Management Skills
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

In this blog, I plan on researching and diving into the skill of Time Management, and along with that some information on Stress Management as the 2 go together. This skill is important to me because I have always struggled with budgeting my time and handling my responsibilities in a timely manner. As well, I’ve struggled with how to handle my stress in a healthy manner. With this project I hope to learn more on how to improve on those skills so I can be a more effective and responsible student, worker, and overall person, and I believe based on the amount of my peers focusing on the same topic that this is a common issue we all face and I think we can all benefit from researching more on this important life skill. I want to learn what steps and changes I can make to start on improving my time management skills, this isn’t something you learn overnight but I hope from this project I can at least learn the basics of time management and what other people have learned and implemented to manage their time better. In conjunction to time management I want to learn better ways to handle stress in a healthier manner, stress is needed to live a healthy life, but it’s the way people handle their stress that can make their life harder and unhealthier. These skills interest me because I know I procrastinate and don’t budget my time at all and that causes a major stress on my life, which I as well don’t know to handle in a healthy way. At the end of this I plan on measuring the success of my research by seeing if I still wait to the last minute and procrastinate my work, and if I budget and organize my time better, for example if I make a calendar planning out my days and what has to be done for those days. I plan on achieving this goal by hopefully taking what I learn from my research and implementing them into my life, it’s one thing to learn a topic, it’s another thing to take what you learn and implement it into your daily life to be a better person, and in this case I learn how to budget, manage, and organize my time in a more efficient manner in conjunction to dealing with stress in a healthier manner than I currently am now (watching Netflix and eating popcorn). SPICE IT UP!

