Time Management Hacks: Primary Research #2

Joseph Patterson
Spice Up Your Time Management Skills
4 min readMar 5, 2018

After reading some online articles about time management skills, I have found a couple of tips and strategies that are common in these articles and so for my 2nd primary research blog post I will list these common time management “hacks” and tell you how I have implemented these strategies into my life.

Time Management Hacks:

1. Use a Calendar and Checklist:

An important part of managing your time is to plan out your responsibilities day by day, hour by hour. A calendar is one of greatest ways to plan your semester out. It’ll be an easier way remember your obligations and plan them out such as due dates, work schedule, class schedule, etc. It can also help you to study in blocks and devote time to different subjects. You can make a physical calendar in your room on the wall or use one on your computer and phone, such as google calendar. Using a checklist is a very useful tool to ensure you stay on task, by having a list of your ‘things to do’ and checking them off one by one once completed, this gives also gives you a sense of accomplishment.

2. Get Organized and Stay Focused (The ‘Flow’):

By having your calendar and checklist made, your already on your way to being organized better. Being organized will save time and allow you to manage and budget your time better. The second part of this is staying focused, and to achieve the mental state of ‘flow’– when you are completely immersed and involved in an activity. Flow makes you feel motivated and energized and actually increases enjoyment of the activity (not to mention allows you to be super-productive). Flow allows you to maximize your time and be the most efficient at your work as possible.

3. Eliminate Distractions:

This may be the easiest thing on paper to do, but in reality, is the hardest for most of us to do. Get rid of anything that distracts you and makes you lose focus from your work. While you are studying or doing homework, turn off your phone and put it away. Only allow yourself once an hour to check your phone, and for no longer than 5 minutes. Get off social media, YouTube, Netflix, etc.… and save that for when your done with your work.

4. Get Good Sleep and Wake Up Early:

As every doctor, teacher, parent, has said to us growing up we need at least 8 hours of sleep a night… its true, a good night’s sleep is essential to make sure our mind and body are fresh and rested for the new day. It can be hard to concentrate and put forth your best effort if you don’t get that 8 hours of sleep the night before. All-nighters are way less productive then consistent study. Manage your time better by including sleep in your schedule and waking up early to do work instead of staying up late.

5. Schedule Rewards:

You deserve to treat yourself when you’re doing the right thing. Take a few minutes every few hours to take a break and do something that gives you joy, like go for a walk or a quick phone check. However, make sure you don’t overindulge until you have completed all of your obligations. Setting a reward for after you complete an assignment motivates you even more to get it done. This is a genuine hack because I would never of have thought of this as a skill to improve your time management.

These steps may involve some initial extra effort but they are so worth it in the end. Making a calendar of due dates, work, class, and social events has made me realized I need to start things sooner rather than later. Also, making a daily checklist makes me stick with it, I did find myself pushing times back but overall that was very useful in planning out what had to be done that day and gave me a sense of accomplishment when I was done with a task. It took me until week 5 of school to finally organize my classes into separate folders and that has helped immensely and saved me time trying to find certain materials. Also, once you’re in the ‘flow’ it feels amazing I stayed on task in Lockwood in my booth for hours on Thursday and grinded through my work. Having my phone turned off and being in that booth really eliminated most of the external distractions I would normally have. I usually get around 5 hours of sleep, however on Wednesday I was super tired and went to bed early, got around 9 hours of sleep and got to Lockwood by 10am the next morning and like I said before I was grinding through all my work since my body was well rested. Finally, I realized by scheduling rewards like hanging out with my friends after I was done with my studying everyday really motivated me to get the work done so I could see them sooner (since I no longer sit at the table at Lockwood I don’t see them as much during the day). Overall, these easy steps really make a big impact on your life by improving the way you budget and maximize your time.

