Some Amazing getaways for Women travelers .

Published in
21 min readApr 21, 2020

To all the locked down people I ask.

“What is the one thing that you really wish you had done before getting into this lockdown ?”

Me— I wish I had made time to travel some …with my girlfriends … we call it bonding.

Admit it women . The crazy fun that we can have with our girlfriends can just not match with anything else . All the gossip that we need to catch up on , the make up session , the break-up stories , the advice seeking-giving sessions , checking out guys , discussing fantasies , carefree feeling … we need all this on a desperate note once in a while .

Being a travel person, I’ve done some of this Girls Gone Traveling quite a lot. What does travel mean to me .. Freedom , Inspiration, Adventure , Discovery , Courage …. Friendship .

My goal here is to share with you some of my best travel experiences as a woman traveler , to inspire all you women around the world with my personal stories and to show you that amid all the balancing of roles that you are busy all the time , creating a life that you love is possible .

So what kind of a women am I addressing here ?. Well , I’m talking about all you women from every walk of life . Mothers daughters , sisters and friends , housewives corporate busy-bees …. just like me and you .

So here I am . Hoping to achieve what I have set out for .

Travel… Write …Inspire .

PHUKET : Winds of Fantasy

Some places are tourist hotspots because other tourists are around, and everybody from all over the world is here so we too want to go there. Phuket is one such place.

Me and three friends of mine — Asha, Sonali and Bindiya , sitting one boring February evening in our Mumbai apartment decided to catch the next available flight to Phuket and escape. Perks of running a travel shop is you know your way — cheap flights, good places on short notice and within what we want to spend — so next afternoon , we were getting out of Phuket airport !

Patong Beach

We had plans . We had packed our essentials …sunglasses , hats , flipflops , hippie jewellery , hot shorts , party clothes and a selfie sticks too . Looking good and smelling good is a natural instinct .

The hotel Millennium was right in the center of Bangla street at Patong . Everything was at walking distance .The cobbled street outside the hotel was buzzing with pretty looking small cafes and open bars and it was just the perfect beginning to our holiday .

Settling in one woody structured cafe , we ordered our ritual Beer picture and sipped along as we started to unwind . Time just flew and we knew we had to head back to the hotel and rest some ..

The evening was leisurely . Walking around the bustling street .

Me and Asha twinning..

The next day was about Island hopping .

The blue sea , the sand and the sun does have something special to do with us . The island beaches of Phi Phi are simply stunning . We were drifted … snorkeling and exploring the limestone caves in a canoe …..

Canoes : Limestone caves

….overwhelmed to be able to share this moment together.

But a long day on the ocean is exhausting . We felt the need to hit a Spa to rejuvenate . I still recollect how beautifully inviting the Spa looked and the aroma was intoxicatingly relaxing .

The Spa !

The last day was all about street shopping . Men will never understand but the exquisite experience of street shopping can give us immense pleasure . The Phuket Weekend Market , casting a bohemian vibe with the vibrant coloured clothes and accessories made it a perfect “happy place “ for us . Bingind occasionally on street food , stopping by every other shop , bargaining … just living the moment .


Exhausted and spent , we just wanted to settle in one decent dinner place and relax. But a friend of ours said that we just HAD TO go to this insane mexican food place “Kayote” and we can’t just settle for anything else . With hurting legs and no energy left somehow we dragged ourselves to the other enddddddd of the street where this restaurant was . It’s besides the point that it turned out to be a disaster and I’m sure my friend who insisted on going here will kill me when she reads this one .

That night we partied . Nightlife in Phuket is a mix … there’s too much sleaze around… but the music and the vibe … plus the open bars with all possible neon colors create a nice ambiance to an informal unwinding mood . (The girls dancing on the tables in the open bars lining by the entire street … OMG ! It actually feels like they have lost it .)

We managed to find a good pace to settle down … ordered some good cocktails and spent the night laughing ……. taking back with us the smiles that made everything about our lives even more beautiful .

DUBAI : “Footprints on the Sand dunes of time .”

My Holiday to this dessert land dates back to December 2008 . A close friend was getting married . And she wanted her bit of spinsterhood to be celebrated in luxury and style . Dubai fascinated her too much after having watched “Sex and the City 2” . Just that she wasn’t interested in Abu Dhabi .

We just had about 3 nights to spare . Now with an important goal to achieve , we made a bucket list of things that we just couldn’t miss and set out .

This is definitely not a backpackers destination and neither for the ones who have a tight budget . Its a city modern , chic , glamorous and luxurious .

Emirates is The airline that you must travel with , to get the experience of the hospitality that Arabs extend to us women . We landed early so we could make the most of that day . Clearing immigration was seamless . Our driver Mr Tahir waived out the name Tag “ Welcome Miss Shital “. Promptly we boarded the cab and launched on our much exciting journey .

The drive was kind of building the excitement for the upcoming days . The criss crossing flyovers and the broad and absolutely perfect roads immediately grab your attention . Tahir told us that petrol costed lesser than even water here … imagine that . To top it , the Mercs , Bimmers , Ferraris and the Land rovers were simply all around . We swore to take a ride in a Hummer as we passed by .

We stayed at Number 1 towers and suits at Shaikh Zayed Road which made easy access to Down Town Dubai where almost all the action was concentrated . Dubai Mall was massive … Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is a 10-million liter Aquarium tank and the marine life it supports is so vibrant that we were literally submerged . You will marvel the modern architecture of this city . Its just brilliant . Burj Khalifa , Burj Al arab, Palm Jumera .. just to name a few .

Downtown view from the Lounge on 148th Level : Burj Khalifa

There are many top class amusement parks like Ferrari world , Lego Land and Aqua Venture in Atlantis the Palms etc. But since we were on a time line , we decided to give it a pass .

I am not such a fan of superlatives. The tallest this, the biggest that. However , the experience of viewing the city from the 148th level of Burj Khalifa was outstanding . Armani -the luxury world renowned hotel made famous by the designer himself is inside this building . (The hotel is said to be designed by Giorgio Armani himself .)

This evening we settled at a restaurant by the lake just outside the Dubai Fountain . The luminous fountain show happens every 30 minutes . There was a nip in the air and the vibe was lively and engaging .. We sipped over our mojitos while the slow and soothing music playing in the background was kind of slowing us down to rest up for tomorrow .

The next day was action packed ….. about conquering the Dunes in a 4X4 . At first sight , I just wanted to go rolling down the soft and and glistening sand surrounding me . The Jeep driver started deflating the tyres…to get a better grip while he could drift along those almost 90* slopes . The ride was quite a scary and bumpy .. not for the faint hearted . … Anyway, apart form the regular inclusions , we had opted for the overnight dessert camp. And that was the highlight for me . When the lights went off , I actually experienced the real vastness of the cold desert ruling over the stillness of the night . The sparkling collection of stars above. I don’t even remember the last time I saw such a starry night!

Dessert camp ……“I’ve always loved the night, when everyone else is asleep and the world is all mine.

Day 3 was about wondering around exploring the the Souks . Shopping and binging . We went around the city shopping clothes , spices etc and tasting shawarmas (pita bread stuffed with moist chicken or meat, drizzled with a creamy-garlicy sauce) that were absolutely yum and instantly became our comfort food .

Love for Shawarma you ask ?

When Senoritas need Margaritas : I remember that night being a ladies night special in Dubai . Being our last night ,we were in a mood to splurge . All’onda, Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai. And it was a night we can never forget .The view of the Dubai skyline with an amazing rooftop terrace coupled with Venetian , Italian ,Japanese and Indian cuisine … free drinks, discounted meals and complimentary shisha set the mood just right . As though this was not enough …the good looking crowd was a feast to the eyes . The DJ was so hot !!! and he played the hottest hip-hop songs that we sang along all night sipping on our poison and catching up on all the things that we had missed sharing.

Party night : Dubai Tuesdays : Ladies Night

So that’s that .This city was built over mere sand . But as of date … Shopping , Culture , Food , Architecture , Adventure , Clubs …. the number of things that can fit its bucket list can just go on.

Japanese Cherry Blossoms : An affair to remember !

It was in the early April , 2012 , soon after the tedious March year end for these retail insurance brokers who are done with chasing their targets or whatever they are after for the moment at least .

I have a “ladida” friend . And for her everything has to be elaborate and intricate to create an impression . So madam wanted to take a break from a flourishing corporate routine and she picked Japan as the place to unwind .

It was the perfect timing for Cherry Blossom season in Tokyo and Kyoto .

Pro tip : Flowers can do the magic , but this destination is really heavy on your pocket .

We started off in Tokyo — First thing we did was getting the JR Rail Pass that lets you ride the Shinkansen (colloquially known as the bullet train ). We decided to get the first class ticket. It was a couple hundred more, but it was worth its while .

Pro tip 2 : Japanese speak Japanese . However , they are extremely helpful people and they will probably bend over their back to help you . Most of them have Apps to translate English to Japanese and information desks kind of help in English too . It’s a good idea for you to have one too.

Tokyo is huge and it was important that we stayed somewhere convenient . We chose Shibuya City-Hotel Unizo Tokyo.

The best thing I liked was the time we spent walking around the twisting magical streets of Harajuku . It was an amazing place to walk, eat, sight see, people watch, be amazed, shop, fall in love all at once .

The Japanese emit a strong vibe …exceptionally dedicated and hardworking .. it leaves a lasting impression incomparable to any other in the world . They say Wabi-Sabi is a way of living the focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life .

Harajuku : Shopping street

Once again I am butting in here for a tip . Carry lots of cash ( yen ) while you shop and dine here as most places don’t accept credit cards and most ATM’s don’t support International debit cards .

Sushi : served in michelin style

We asked a local how to and where to eat sushi .Because in Japan everything is about rules . Some tips she gave us which I’m about to give you here : Anywhere is a best spot , so long as it doesn’t smell fishy . Hold it with your hands . Never touch the rice to the soy sauce . Eat in one bite . Bit of wasabi with each bite . Ginger is not a topping but to cleanse you palate .

Alright . From there, we took the shinkansen down to Kyoto.

Apart from the regular , I would definitely ask you not to miss their traditional “kaiseki dining experience” . It comprises of beautifully plated dishes , meticulously prepared, exquisitely served and, usually, very expensive meal. It is an embodiment of “omotenashi,” which means wholehearted hospitality.

Kaiseki dining experience

We chose Arashiyama for the famous Hanami Picnic (Cherry Blossom viewing ). It was like a sea of pink . Literally so many trees lined up the streets and looked absolutely stunning .

The picnic had ruler ! Treat the trees carefully. Do not pull on or shake branches. Do not pick blossoms. Don’t climb the trees. Don’t stand on the trees’ roots.

The next destination was Iya Valley : Shikoku : The Ryokan and Onsen healing experience !

IYA Valley

It was by complete chance that we stumbled upon this marvelous haven . And I can vouch that you should not miss it for anything whatsoever . We decided to splurge( not that we hadn’t already !). No regret whatsoever .

We stayed in Iya Valley . This place is typically characterized by steep mountain slopes , deep gorges and traditional vine bridges connection two ends . Its just gorgeous to the next level .

We stayed at this place called Iyaonsen. The hotel provided a complimentary shuttle service from the Oboke station.

Agari-Kamachi _____________________________Futon _____________________________________Hot Spring in the room
Low wooden tables with “zabuton” (sitting cushions)

I feel I must give you a glimpse of this unique experience that has stayed so freshly with me till date .

The “agari-kamachi” was a small place as we steeped in : We were expected to get off our shoes here . “Shoji” a sliding door separated this area from the hotel . There were low wooden tables with “zabuton” (sitting cushions) .
After settling in , a cable car took us down to an onsen (a natural hot spring open-air bath) at the bottom of the valley .


Pro tip : Somethings you must follow for a seamless onsen experience : The first thing to know is that traditional onsen requires no clothing, bathing suits, or towels in the water. Secondly, people with tattoos are forbidden. ( I managed somehow ). Finally, do not be drunk .

The overall experience was like a fairy tail . The entire time I remember one Disney song continuously playing in my mind ..
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight,
now I’m here, suddenly I see,
standing here, it’s all so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be.

Our final stop was Oshaka .

Busy shopping street

This place is a trending powerhouse for parties . So the words that come to my mind while describing my experience here are : bright , gaudy , amusing , exciting , nightlife, delicious food

Do itashimashite ( You’re welcome ).

Sri Lanka :

Meditaton : Take yourself for a peaceful trip into the unknown, once in a while!
Vinnie , Muds and Me

I am truly blessed to have some really close friends and I sincerely get a feeling that it brings out the best in me . Two of my school friends hold that kind of importance in my life ,but the kind of recreation we engage in is usually very calm and conversational . And when we want a holiday .. its got to be a place that is absolutely tranquil , holistic and nourishing.

Therefore , Sri Lanka

The theme of our itinerary was definitely off beat off beat off beat . But we made sure that we ticked off as many items in the bucket list that later wont make us regret .

Colombo : It took a little while to pronounce ‘Bandaranaike’.. That’s the international airport of Sri Lanka . Just that we landed here and were really tired from the entire night journey … Spending one day here was something we needed .Walking around the streets , soaking in the culture and the architecture of the city … just a light agenda . It was quite a warm day and the city was extremely busy … quite similar to the busy streets of Mumbai I’d say . Coconut water was like a blessing at that point . One peculiar thing about coconuts here is that they are orange ! And the water is absolutely sweet .

What makes is a great country is the people . They are warm and helpful ..always bearing a welcoming smile .

Kandy : My take is that this is a cultural hot-spot . Absolutely touristy again .The temples of Buddha , the cultural dances etc . But there are things that you cannot just miss as well .

Buddhism is the major religion followed here .

We visited this place called ‘Ambulawawa Hills ’ : a rare place representing cultural fusion where a Buddhist temple, Church, Mosque & Kovil all exist in a sight. I had seen loads of pictures of the spiraling steep tower with an observation deck and I was very eager to visit here .

We took a tuk-tuk ride to the top of the ridge that was steep with some crazy winding and narrow roads . It took us about an hour.

Finally reaching the base of the tower … all set to climb to the top .

Climbing the narrow winding stairs of that tower was one of the most scariest thing ever … with each step upwards , my heart was beating faster and faster , I was getting a tingling sensation in my palms……and each time I would look down from that height… my stomach would literally churn !!. But the view from the top was insanely serene and I wouldn’nt miss it for anything .

Ambulawawa Tower : Stairway to heaven

Sill recovering form that adrenaline we decided to do something more calm and soothing .

Cooking has always been theraputic ..( except when you have to cook 3 times a day .. every day!! ) . Food and flavorsome cusine is one of the things that this country aces in . The first thing you notice is the warmth of the food … the smell of the food … then you notice the visual impact and the emotional impact that it has … and you go … wow !!!

We took cooking classes at a house located in quiet residential areas just outside the city.. Cooking with minimal equipment , on an Earth Stove was the best thing about it . And the outcome was simply mouth watering yum ! Eating the signature rice and curry like a true Sri lankan using our fingers was quite fun . ( Well we do that a lot back home as well … food tastes much more yummy like that … trust me. )

Cooking in style

Train to Ella from Nuwara Eliya :

After spending a day in Nuwara Eliya to visit the tea plantations and the tea factory we took the much hyped train ride to Ella . I have loved everything about Sri lanka but if I have to choose , then it’s got to be the train ride . It’s just like experiencing it all in one bundle… beautiful foggy mountains, green tea fields ,magnificent gorges , long dark tunnels.. the cool breeze , every breath is fresh air.

Just an hour outside of Ella, are the Diyaluma Falls. I am telling you this place absolutely EPIC . The hike up was very pretty but it was also quite steep. But it all pays off . I have never ever seen something like this ever before in my life ! . You feel like but a spec of dust in this vast universe standing on top of that summit and staring at the dangerously alluring gorge . You can jump in one of the many natural infinity pools if you have the nerve . We managed to barely dip our toes .

Mother nature is a true artist . She emits a sense of Fear ! .. She is Mystic , She’s Wild , She’s supremely dominating and irresistibly inviting.

View from the top of Diyaluma Falls

Tangalle : The most beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka are here here and here …. I know we chose this one over the crowded and more famous option ..Marissa ( Whale whale, surfing , sailing , diving … everything happens in Marissa all year round ).

We went to Silence beach first . Instantly I was amazed with the pretty sight . Wonder , beauty and majesty all in one . There were rope swings hanging around which were quite fun . … my memory of the ocean breeze messing my hair up ..(loved it ), sandy toes ..smell of the salty air… the sound of the waves ….resting ..relaxing ..reflecting ..Bare-foot!

Trying to catch hold of the rope swing
Blue Waters .. SIlence Beach

Galle Fort . Our stay here was also quite different . One time we rented bicycles and took off , riding alongside the seacoast admiring the whitewashed trendy hotels all along the way soaking in the beauty of this car-free zone . We went to the fruit market and tried all kinds of tropical fruits there . . We tried Mangosteen, commonly known as Kokum in India . . Oh, and the pineapple… always have the pineapple. We also bought some curry mix and spices from the local markets here .

Mangosteen Fruit

About 2 hours form here is the campsite at Udawalawe national park ..We decided to spend a night there .. camping …. And I think we made an amazing decision in it . It was out of the world to see so many many elephants roaming freely in the wild ..kind of exhibiting feeling of belonging to the natural world . . they were beautiful ..they were gigantic … I just felt a tear roll down my eye … That’s how powerful that image was !

Feasting before the Afternoon Safari
The majestic elephant

The highlight was the SriYogaShala — an eco-conscious rustic retreat, tucked away deep inside the rainforest and yet , the city was just at an arms length . Inside the Yogashala , the experience was somewhat like aligning the body, mind and soul with well being . Yoga sessions were combined with meditation on an open wooden deck overlooking the beautiful jungle . I actually learnt how to do a hand-stand here (adoh mookah vrikshasana). I distinctly remember the look on our faces as we took a dip in the the salt water infinity pool .. of total bliss.

The perfectly rustic Coffee Shop ..
Light dinner : Wholesome Beetroot soup and Toast

There was lingering feeling of contentment and gratification in my heart as we were packing up to go back home .While here , there were so many moments when I found myself taking a journey within me …reflecting upon … “what really matters !” Relationships and friendships give you heightened sense of certitude that life’s joys come mostly from least material things.

Let me wind up by saying this ..

The essence of the matter is that life is beautiful .

Travel a lot , Connect with people of all sorts from all parts of the world . Let them touch your life while you do the same . Stay Happy .

