What’s Spidy ?

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3 min readJun 16, 2020

25% years from the advent of internet 96% of the world’s information right now is inaccessible. That’s a lot. There’s extremely important amount of information in various databases which can essentially speed up the pace at which the world operates.

Spidy decides to solve this problem once and forever tackling the crawling the surface web of information and the deep web of information of academic databases, medical records, scientific reports, information inaccessible behind login. Spidy is a decentralised marketplace for information of any sort. Any individual/ company which wants to access any information can just put a request on Spidy and that request would be filled.

Just 4% of the information on the surface web has given rise to a trillion dollar companies like google, wikipedia etc. What happens when we are able to significantly get the information from the deep web ! It represents a 10 times larger opportunity.

We are not dealing with dark web and we do not intend to. There are 2 types of information we are primarily looking to tackle. One on the surface web and one on the deep web. Spidy would be dealing with both.

So a doctor who wants to get access to some information around patient records for cancer research and there’s publicly available information Spidy can help fetch all those which can be used by a doctor.

Or a person who is building a school wants to get a list of teachers in his locality

Or someone who wants to build say a price alerts service for e commerce websites can get the data for price in real time

Or a brand wants to monitor the price movements for different products that they sell and get alerted in real time if there’s any mispricing.

There are hundreds of such things. Spidy would help companies, individuals get that information in a seamless manner. On the consumer side it enables consumers to make money for their free unused data.

You can download the Spidy app and extension. Conversion of Spidy tokens into money would be enabled soon.

Spidy chrome extension:


Spidy app:



Q. What are Spidy tokens ?

Think spidy tokens as game tokens which are rewarding you for just making a better use of your data

Q. How much Spidy tokens can I generate ?

As such there’s no limit. Though it’s a function of amount of concurrent users and the amount of data that is to be fetched at that point in time.

Q. Can i cancel schedules ?

Yes. You can cancel them.

Q. Can I use wi fi to do this ?

Yes you can use wi fi and also do it on laptop or tablet

Q. What’s the value of Spidy tokens?

1 Spidy token is 0.01 INR currently.

Q. When do Spidy tokens get credited?

As soon as your schedule is done they get credited into your wallet.

Q. When can I withdraw the money?

Whenever the worth of your tokens crosses 500 INR you can withdraw them to your bank.

Q. When would my withdrawal get processed?

Bank withdrawals are processed once every week.

Q. In my overall time allocated and mb allocated the mb limit was not hit ?

At times you might see slower data usage based on the number of concurrent users and Spidy might not be able to consume your entire data you have allocated. We would improve on these as time progresses.



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Earn money in exchange for WiFi/Mobile Data