Sustainability and FinTech?

Spielfeld Digital Hub


What are the first industries that you think of when you hear “sustainability?” Chances are that finance isn’t at the top of your list. The Spielfeld community is working to change that.

Spielfeld co-Founder Visa has teamed up with Tomorrow to offer a credit card that automatically compensates emissions. The partnership was recently featured Germany’s top news program Tagesschau and cited as an example of how finance can be a catalyst for change (link to video below).

The EU-OSR (operated by OfnK Deutschland) hosts the European Open Sustainability Registry which focuses on data-driven sustainability goals and has partners in science, politics and business.

The Open Sustainability Registry EU-OSR enables EU stakeholders to monitor and measure the progress of goals set by business, science and politics.

ecolytiq offers B2B “Sustainability-as-a-Service” solutions for banking institutions with the goal of driving consumer behavior towards more eco-friendly options.

ecolytiq enables financial institutions to offer their customers environmental footprinting as well as personalized impact offsetting and ESG investments.

These best cases indicate that FinTech is poised to be an important leader in the fight against climate change — and the Spielfeld community will be there lighting the way.

Want to learn more? Read “Mind the Sustainability Gap” — a research project by VISA & the Spielfeld Innovation Team.



Spielfeld Digital Hub

Spielfeld Digital Hub is a coworking, events and innovation space for emerging startups and corporate thought leaders.