Building a machine learning application using

Deploying your first machine learning application from scratch

Matias Aravena Gamboa


The objective of this post is to give an overview of training, building and deploying machine learning models using We are going to train a model and then build an application for serving predictions. ecosystem

The Data

For this post, I will use the red wine quality dataset from Kaggle. I used this dataset in another article to explain Bayesian optimization, you can check it here.

The dataset contains a set of features that determine the quality of wine like pH, citric acidity, sulphates, alcohol, etc. The data looks like this:

Red wine quality dataset

Our model will be trained to predict the quality of the wine.

Training the model

The first step is import h2o and start an H2O’s server, then we can load the data into an h2odataframe:

import h2o
data = h2o.upload_file("data/winequality-red.csv")

We will train a Gradient Boosting Machine model, let’s import the H2OGradientBoostingEstimator and define the model parameters.

from h2o.estimators.gbm import H2OGradientBoostingEstimatorparams = {
"ntrees": 500,

We need to define our training and target columns. Next, we will split the data into train/test, we are going to use 70% of the data for training and 30% for test our model performance.

target = "quality"
train_cols = [x for x in data.col_names if x != target]
train, test = data.split_frame(ratios=[0.7,])

With the previous steps, we can now train our model, the n_folds=5 the parameter is used to specify the number of folds used in the cross-validation.

model = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(nfolds=5, **params)
model.train(x=train_cols, y=target, training_frame=train)

Once the model is trained, we can use the test data to validate our model performance, for this h2ohas a function called model_performace, which we can use to get a summary of evaluation metrics for our model.

model.model_performance(test)ModelMetricsRegression: gbm
** Reported on test data. **
MSE: 0.38677682335383257
RMSE: 0.6219138391721417
MAE: 0.4452295071238603
RMSLE: 0.09729164095632066
Mean Residual Deviance: 0.38677682335383257

Now we can export our model into a MOJO (we will talk about this soon), our MOJO will be a zip file with the name of our model.


What is a MOJO?

According to the h2o documentation:

H2O-generated MOJO and POJO models are intended to be easily embeddable in any Java environment. The only compilation and runtime dependency for a generated model is the h2o-genmodel.jar file produced as the build output of these packages.

We can use our MOJO to make a batch prediction using the PredictCsv class, real-time prediction using h2o with Spark Streaming, Kafka or Storm. Or you can expose your model as a REST API (that's is what we are going to do next).

Building our REST API

As mentioned before, MOJO’s can be embedded into Java environments, for this reason, I’ll build a web application using, which is a really simple web framework for Java.

I’m building the application using Maven, so we need to add our dependencies into the pom.xml file.

Required dependencies

Next, let’s create a class Model that will receive as parameter our MOJO path, and then load our model.

Our Model class has a function called predict which receives as input a RowData containing the features names and the corresponding values. Then we can call our model and get the prediction value.

The next step is to create our web app, for this, we are going to create a Javalinapp with a /predict endpoint. For keeping this simple, we are going to use a GET method and send the parameters as querystring.

The endpoint function will take the parameters and then create a new RowData called modelParams , we will call our model.predict(modelParams) function to get the prediction results. And parse the results into a JSON format.

Getting predictions

We can use curl to get predictions, for example:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/predict?fixed_acidity=7.0&volatile_acidity=0.7&citric_acid=0&residual_sugar=1.9&chlorides=0.076&free sulfur_dioxide=11&total_sulfur dioxide=34&density=0.9978&pH=3.51&sulphates=0.56&alcohol=9.4

And our prediction results:



We have created our first machine learning application using,, and Java. You can package your application into a jar file, and put it into a Docker container and deploy it using Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

Please feel free to comment or suggest.



Matias Aravena Gamboa

Machine Learning Engineer and beer enthusiast. Valdivia, Chile