Stock vs Cryptocurrency Market

Spiking x CBC
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2018


Most people would be very familiar with the stock market given its long establishment when it first started during the beginning of 17th Century in Amsterdam. The first issuance of stocks by the Dutch East India Company and the creation of Amsterdam Stock Exchange have revolutionized the world since then.

On the flip side, not many people know about cryptocurrency since it is only in recent times that it started spreading like wildfire in various online platforms and exchanges. However, upon digging deeper, one can see significant differences in both products’ functions. So, what does this mean for people who wish to make a quick buck from it?

Are cryptocurrencies safe? Should we still stick to the conventional stock market for both long-term and short-term gains?

Are there any ways to benefit from both markets? With this in mind, the purpose of this article is to share some insights along with an opportunity to leverage from both markets.

Understanding the Markets

Both the stock and cryptocurrency market function similarly through Economics. Demand and supply determine the price. Higher demand drives the price up whereas low demand pushes the price back down. However, the value tagged to the prices are different.

For stocks, people buy it to support the business operated by the company. For cryptocurrencies, people buy it to support a business idea that is propositioned by the company which is not realized yet.

For market capitalization, it is easy to justify it for an established company through stocks but not for cryptocurrencies as no one will really know the true value of an unrealized idea since it is intangible. However, one thing for sure, the reactive speed of a token far exceeds a stock, giving it an edge over traditional business if there is a great upside potential.

After understanding both types of market, we seek to understand an opportunity that helps us harness the potential in them.

In both markets, information is pivotal in enabling the making of profits through the action of buying and selling.

However, information asymmetry is the key reason why most people miss out on the important timings to make a decision, leading to delayed profits or escalated loss. This is especially evident in cryptocurrencies, where prices are more volatile compared to traditional stocks.

Solution — Spiking

A solution to bridge this gap between informed and uninformed traders would be Spiking. It has a mobile application that allows their users to mirror the trading patterns of informed traders, known as Whales.

Whales will be rewarded for their efforts in letting users hitch the ride in their investing strategies by earning a 21% cut of these users’ profits. Users will get to keep 71%, with the remaining 8% profits to be channeled into Spiking as a usage fee for the platform.

Taken from Spiking Whitepaper

This creates a win-win situation for all parties on board as the users will now have a higher probability of beating the market with the help of the Whales. Thus, 71% remaining profits for users seems reasonable because it reduces the man hours on the users on research, creating an effective and efficient ecosystem between both parties.

There are several other stock-related applications out there who also uses a mirror function similar to Spiking, but most of them requires manual mirroring of transactions undertaken by the informed trader.

For Spiking, this process becomes much simpler.

With a simple mirroring of a particular Whale, all subsequent transactions made by that Whale will be automatically mirrored by the Dolphin.

Currently, only the stock market version of the application is available. However, according to its Roadmap, the cryptocurrency version will be launched in 2018 Q3, along with the mirroring trading. So, I guess the third quarter of 2018 would be an exciting quarter for all traders alike. I will be looking forward to it!

by Samuel Tan Jun Jie, Business Development

Drawing from its successful and rich experience in the stock market since 2016, Spiking is expanding to cryptocurrency trading! With its unique and powerful trading tool and its AI robot Robobull, Spiking enables traders to easily find whales and mirror the trades automatically. At Spiking, we strive to help traders make better decisions and take the steps toward fulfilling their dreams of achieving financial freedom. Check out Spiking App, Top Grossing Finance App at App Store & Google Play.

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