We’ve launched with TotallyMoney 🎉

Spill has become available to the team at TotallyMoney, whose technology and free credit report helps their customers improve their credit score and move on up to a better future.

Hannah Karim
Spill Stories
2 min readOct 16, 2019


Spill’s Partnerships Manager, Sareeka Linton says: “TotallyMoney has grown rapidly over the last year and we know the team are keen to ensure they maintain a fantastic culture and invest in their staff wellbeing. It’s great to see that a particular focus has been put on mental health and resilience, with services such as Spill being offered, alongside duvet days to help with maintaining a good work-life balance. I’m really looking forward to working with the team!”

TotallyMoney’s HR Manager, Felicity added: “We’ve made concerted efforts this year around our mental health and wellbeing strategy, but it was key for us to identify a practical mental health provision that would allow employees to connect with therapists or counsellors. While it’s great to open a dialogue — and we are extremely conscious of the importance of this, and to create an environment of psychological safety — I wanted to be able not only to have the conversation around mental health in the workplace but also to be able to point people towards a tool that could help. I also felt that, by contrast to offering employees use of a block booking at a face to face service nearby, we might see a greater uptake in Spill as it would be viewed as a less intimidating intervention, particularly for first time users. Because of this, we decided that Spill felt like a natural first choice in our offering to employees.”

