Tenisha Cherenfant
Spill Them Beans
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2024

Coffee Beans and Vanilla

The air has a certain aroma of coffee beans and vanilla. It is currently 8:30 am and I am sitting at my Starbucks in Slane. Accompanying me would be my warm white chocolate with toasted vanilla syrup hot chocolate. Considered the one of the busiest places on campus you see a lot of different people every hour. Whether it was just to go and sit, go to the gym, get work done, or meetup with friends. This is a usual spot for me to use as a little alone time as I sit here from time to time and get as much work as I can. There is 2010s pop music playing in the background as I am hunched over my keyboard. Surrounded by people sharing jokes over coffee or people working hard on their computers with a little pick me up.

From the side that I’m sitting, there’s the barista with small tattoos scattered across her arms. She obviously works here as she vigorously wipes the countertops. This is not the first I’ve seen her; she always manages to have an awesome work ethic and attitude. And every once and a while she would call out someone’s name to let them know that their order was ready. Her eyes are trained on each coffee she makes. As she must be breaking a sweat with how fast she’s moving. She also seems like the manager because she is telling the rest of the staff what they’re jobs or positions are for that day. As she weaves through her coworkers around the small space, she does it so effortlessly. And by the time you grab your cup there is a sweet message to help you start off your day.

And at the circle booths by the steps there was a young woman. Her hair looks a bit wild with her untamed curls. On her face are these really oversized glasses. She types away at her keyboard, while constantly darting between her computer, iPad, and textbook. The book was a little worn-out, so I assumed she had that book for a long time. After watching for a while my mind started to wander. What if she’s a grad student writing one of her last papers? Or, what if she’s an aspiring writer trying to start her new book? She was so focused to the point where I don’t think she ever noticed the busy world around her.

At the communal high-rise table there is a group of young women. There sitting close so I could hear their conversation word for word. They were talking about their plans for the weekend since today is Friday. One suggested they go to a party, while someone else said they should stay inside because it of the freezing temperature outside. As the two debated the rest of the group stayed quiet. I could tell this was a normal thing for their friend group as the others watched back and forth in silence instead of voicing their options. After a couple minutes of the debating someone finally spoke up “why don’t we stay home and have a movie night and invite the boys over?” and just like that the group falls silent. After a couple minutes everyone starts to agree. Then they talk for a little more until it was time to disperse to class where they said their goodbyes and parted ways.

And lastly, there’s me. Sitting in a booth with my favorite playlist playing in my left ear. I hope the people I watched didn’t think I was a creep. But I was lost in my own universe as I type away on my computer. Each sentence felt familiar to me before I type them on the paper. The clatter of cups hitting the tables, the music in the background, the small murmurs of people’s conversations and the sounds of the espresso machine every other minute. It started to become very soothing.

And tomorrow, by the time the sun rises, and the doors open again with new faces ready to repeat. This is more than just a coffee shop. This is where dreams are being achieved and making lifelong relationships. In this heaven of caffeine and dreams, anything is possible. So, I think it’s time for you pull up a chair, order your favorite drink, and let your imagination run wild!

About them Beans:

Who: a laidback college student

Where: Starbucks

When: Friday Morning

What I’m drinking: White Chocolate Hot Chocolate

