Long Weekend Lattes

Mia Gazzara
Spill Them Beans
3 min readJan 22, 2023


the borough market + bar
the borough market + bar
the iced lavender oat milk latte

As a regular coffee drinker, I found myself at multiple spots in the past week that would constitute a place selling coffee. I wouldn’t use the word obsessed, but I often use coffee as an excuse for something to do or spend time with others. I’ll even have a coffee date by myself on some occasions, and people-watching makes me feel like I’m not even alone. For me, coffee is comfort.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. I was off to brunch on Saturday morning (more like afternoon, as we all struggled to get out of bed) to celebrate my gbig Gab’s birthday but the restaurant had an hour wait. We decided to go to the place next door to pass time. I was shocked as we walked into The Borough Market + Bar in Greensboro. Everyone laughed as I said I felt like I was on vacation. I had never been somewhere that served as both a coffee shop and a bar. My ggbig, Syd, seated next to me, ordered a Bloody Mary while I decided on an iced lavender latte. This was the first of many coffees I would have in the following days, but definitely the fanciest. I loved looking around at this particularly unique setting and observing who occupied it. There was an older couple to my right, kids running around behind me, and one bartender/barista running the whole thing. Next door, there was an adorable market with high-priced outfits and knickknacks. While the coffee wasn’t the favorite I’d ever had, the atmosphere and company of my friends made my day all the more memorable.

Two days later, I found myself craving coffee again, on the infamous Monday of no classes. I texted my gbig asking to go to our favorite nearby coffee shop, DeBeen. I would’ve loved to sit there, but the place was so crowded, full of people with nothing better to do on their day off. Gab got an out-of-season iced pumpkin latte while I got my usual iced raspberry latte. Days like this, a day to catch up, on work and with friends, make me really grateful. I was happy to spend time with friends, but also take time for myself. I later took my coffee down to my favorite spot on campus, Cottrell, and read Smart Brevity. As I read, I looked around, and again saw students enjoying their day off, some getting work done, some socializing. My sorority’s president was seated next to me, and we chatted about the event I’m planning for my position before we both went on to do our individual work. Once my coffee cup was empty, and I was full of new aspirations, I made my way home. Appreciative of coffee.

About them beans

Who: A girl with nothing to do

Where: The Borough Market + Bar in Greensboro, DeBeen in High Point, & Cottrell Hall

When: Martin Luther King Weekend

What I’m drinking: Iced lavender oat milk latte & iced raspberry almond milk latte

