Spill Them Beans in Cottrell Starbucks

Alexa Mislow
Spill Them Beans
3 min readAug 30, 2023


Credit: Alexa Mislow

I’m definitely more of a tea person. Over my lifetime that’s been deemed as a very controversial statement. They say “Everyone loves coffee” or “I can’t start my days without it.” Well, as I’m sitting in a Starbucks, I’ve noticed many students and teachers walk out with some sort of tea. Chai, strawberry, mint, peach are all sorts I’ve seen walk out of here today. Not as much coffee from what I’ve seen. I feel the weather also pertains to what drink people are feeling. Yet those who’ve stayed here have their air pods in, drowning out the classical music/jazz being played throughout the store. To be fair, I wouldn’t want to be hearing the food warming machine beep every 2 seconds either. The workers are keeping busy either shaking drinks together or using tongs to put a sandwich in the food warmer. It’s not overly busy (for once), it seems they have their orders under control. Feeding this many kids daily has to be a hassle and a half. I don’t get why people are rude to the workers when they’re trying their best to work with what they have.

I think students have needed lots more caffeine recently. Adjusting back to school, depending on where you’re living is a huge change. I feel I can read people quite well because of my major (psychology) and personal experiences. I’ve always noticed others' reactions and body language quicker than someone else may. It seems there are many people around me with different sets of emotions. One girl has her back hunched over and her fist glued to her forehead. She seems stressed whilst looking at Orgo homework on her Mac in front of her. Her eyebrows are down in confusion, and her eyes keep looking back and forth between her work and her book. I also notice another girl who seems to be in a dark place. I don’t know why but she just seems cold and fragile, like if someone taps her she’ll break into a thousand pieces. Her face looks pale and bony, she looks very tiny whilst slouching in her red plastic chair. I wonder if she’s getting enough to eat. I wish there were more I could do for strangers. I want to help and heal. But, at the same time, she could be perfectly fine and I’m making assumptions.

To help lighten the mood, I just saw a sweet moment occur. It’s rare for me to see men express their emotions outwardly, which is sad. I wish there wasn’t a stereotype around men being able to be human. But, two men just hugged each other, heads sitting on each other’s shoulders, in front of the window for a couple of moments and one guy said “I’m here if you need anything man.” I hope he’s okay. It’s nice to see guys give words of encouragement in public for once. Despite work and grades being the #1 priority at college, I feel more focus should be on students’ physical and mental health. We all have experiences we’re dealing with. Relatives passing, families separating, friends shifting, the list goes on. I know my friends’ mental health has taken a toll at college, it’s sad to see it firsthand, even in myself. Yet, a student’s sticker on their Macbook just now reminded me of something: “Everything happens for a reason.”

About them beans:

Who: A struggling student.

Where: Somewhat busy Cottrell Starbucks.

When: Wednesday afternoon in the last few days of August.

What I’m drinking: An iced chai tea with 2% milk and vanilla syrup.



Alexa Mislow
Spill Them Beans

Hi, I'm Alexa Mislow and a Psychology major with a strategic communications minor.