The Wait for Coffee

Benjamin A
Spill Them Beans
3 min readJan 22, 2024


I enjoy a good cup coffee in the morning before class. Yes I go to class, no I’m not in high school, and yes somehow they let me into college. I usually try and grab a cup before class, and I happen to be described by others as being somewhat poor at time management. Are they right about that? Sometimes yes. The reason I bring that up is because I usually place my order with just enough time to get there to pick it up and then get to class.

Photo by Endlich Grün on Unsplash

Today I figured would be more of the same. I would wake up, brush my teeth (obviously), put clothes on (obviously again), get in my car, place my order, drive over to the parking lot on campus, walk in with one or two minutes of the order being ready, grab my order, then head to my class. That is what I figured would happen. That is not what happened.

When I walked into the Starbucks the little app on my phone told me it would only be a 4 minute wait. “Okay, that’s fine”, I thought to myself, I still have fifteen minutes to get to class, I have more than enough time. While waiting I notice a guy I haven’t seen before. Now that’s not entirely out of the ordinary, there are a lot of people I haven’t seen before, but not this Starbucks. I’m there at the same time almost every other day and I’ve never seen him before.

He’s wearing a black suit. The red tie he’s wearing complements it well. He mostly keeps to himself as he looks at his phone and sips at his coffee. I’m not entirely sure, but it looked like he’d gotten a mocha or something like that. I’m not really sure though in all honesty, it could have been an espresso, a cold brew, even a sweet tea. I really don’t know that much about coffee, I just know what I like and what I don’t.

I look back down at my phone and see the worst thing that could have appear on my phone. Was there a terrorist attack? Did I lose a loved one? No, my coffee was “almost ready”. My coffee was stuck in an indefinite purgatory and I was going to be late to class. I considered just leaving the coffee so I wouldn’t be late to class.

That did not happen. Because why on Earth would I leave my coffee to go to class? It could be ready any second now! With nothing else to do I went back to looking at that guy in the suit. Not in like a weird way, because that would be weird. The more I looked at him the more he looked like a character out of a video game. Black suit, red tie, he was bald. I wished he would turn his head so I could see if there was a barcode or not. Sadly he did not. However I still had my suspicions that he could be a hitman. He matched the descriptors for him perfectly; well, just like the being bald and wearing a suit and red tie part. So yeah, he probably was a hitman.

Image: Hitman; IO Interactive

Just then my order changed to ready and I hurried over to grab it. I left with the realization that I had just looked death in the eyes. Was I really going to look death in the eyes and then just go to class? Definitely not, this was a perfectly good reason not to go, so I didn’t. I got in my car, started the engine, and drove back thinking about how I survived a hitman.

Who: A student who survived a potential hitman.

Where: A Starbucks in High Point, North Carolina.

When: A Tuesday morning the second week of January.

What I’m drinking: A mocha with a shot of espresso.



Benjamin A
Spill Them Beans

I enjoy reading, long walks on the beach, and sometimes writing.